My portable gaming girlfriend V2 C1 P7

The entire volume 2 is now available on Patreon
I'm starting to release volume 3 on patreone
here is volume 3 cover

"What took you so long to come back?"

"Something happened on the way..."

"Sigh, there is not enough time for the exam, so the paper will be everyone’s homework."

As soon as the teacher's voice fell, I could feel that most people in the class were relieved...except for two people.

"That's a shame."

Saying that this was a shame would undoubtedly be Ying. Like studying was originally her character setting. But now it seemed to have become her habit.. Even if she came to another game, she still had this kind of habit.


I didn’t understand what Shen Qing's cold snort meant. As the top student in the college, she would not be afraid of such an exam.

Letting out a sigh of relief like NPCs, I seemed to have really become her hindrance.

"Yuan, why took you so long? Did you meet some suspicious person?"

Ying looked at me and said with worry. It could be seen that she had been waiting anxiously. After changing her hair color and pupil color, her current appearance was a bit more serious than the previous. She looked much more suitable to be a girlfriend now. This thought suddenly came into my mind.

"No, I just went to get the exam paper, don't think too much."

I skipped the boring High School math, and the third class turned out to be physical education. I have always held a neutral attitude towards physical education classes, neither hate it nor like it. If there was 1000 meters run, physical education classes were not that terrible—

"Then, let’s do an 800m and 1000m run today!"

Then, the physical education teacher announced today's class. Well… I jinxed myself...That said, in reality, I would have a stomachache from 1000 meters, but I should be invincible in the game.

But it turned out that was not the case.

After running the first 1000 meters, I fell into a semi-coma due to low blood sugar. I couldn’t see things at all, as if the VR device was broken. Why should this terrible game be this realistic in such an unnecessary place?

At any rate, under the support of the classmates and Ying's caring gaze, I found a resting place under the big tree in a remote corner behind the teaching building. This frail body was really useless.

In order not to arouse Awakened AI's suspicion, Ying finally reluctantly returned to the physical education class under the supervision of Shen Qing. Seeing that the two didn’t get along with each other, I could only tell Ying to be obedient.

A little sunlight shone softly on my face through the gaps in the leaves, making me just want to sleep. However, there was no concept of sleepiness in the game. This was a game that ran at a time-lapse ratio of 10 to 1. If I accidentally fell asleep, several hours may pass...


What happened!

Just as I closed my eyes, I felt something dangling beside my face.

I opened my eyes and turned my head to the side. I saw a thing swinging… No, it shouldn't be called a thing, it was a pair of feet in lace stockings and small leather shoes.

First of all, I did not have a foot fetish, and I was not happy to see this kind of thing dangling beside my face.

So who would be so reckless? Obviously I was resting here, but the person still stretched her feet to my face and dangled besides... I just raised my head, but what I didn't expect was that I saw a pair of strawberry panties next.

The owner of the strawberry panties, who was also the owner of those feet, was a girl in lace and old-fashioned styled clothing, no… looking at this petite and cute face, she should be called a little girl... Her silver curly hair was braided into two ponytails, and with various accessories, she looked very cute.

She looked like a junior high school student, but why did such a girl appear on the Senior High School’s campus? And also wearing this kind of unusual clothing...

When I was thinking, she also noticed my gaze, and as she lowered her head, her eyes met with mine.



Oh no. She discovered that I was staring at her underwear? !

I was so careless! She would definitely yell, and then I would be sent to the police station for education while being named 'a pervert'. Then I would be released under Ying's disappointed eyes and Shen Qing's contemptuous eyes…

However, the girl with two ponytails neither yelled nor kicked me flying. She did not even have any reaction. As if she hadn't seen me, she looked up at the leaves again...

"Huh? What is he staring at? There is nothing above me..." The girl murmured after staring at the leaves for five minutes.

"Of course there is nothing."


She suddenly looked at me with her eyes wide open.

"You, can you see me?!"

"Of course, I can see you."

"Huh, humans shouldn't have the ability to see me!"

"I even saw your strawberry panties..."

"What! Strawberry panties?!"

Her face turned red all of a sudden, and then... she jumped directly off the branch.

But the sad thing was that her landing area happened to be my leg.


This game... After she fell on my legs, even as a player, I also felt pain.

By the way... the boss seemed to have said that this GALGAME seemed to be R18.

"--Ouch! Get off me!! Quick!"

"How is it possible, how can I touch you!"

"Hurry up! It hurts!" 

God damn it. Why the pain felt so realistic in this game.

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