Honey Badger's Streaming Life C45

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Chapter 45: Rosette’s Remedial Lesson

Bullets zipped through the distant woods, cutting through the air with deadly precision. Tree trunks were struck, bark exploding into fragments that sent leaves rustling chaotically. Other bullets tore into the ground, kicking up clouds of dirt and fallen leaves. What had once been a tranquil forest now buzzed with chaos, as small animals fled in panic, caught in the crossfire of an unexpected storm. 

Wang Ping watched as one tree hollow, riddled with bullet holes, spewed out acorns like a broken pantry. If the squirrel who stored its winter stash there ever saw this, it would probably cry rivers.

After weaving through the hail of bullets in a serpentine "S" pattern, Wang Ping circled back around the forest until he finally found Rosette, disoriented and fleeing blindly. From afar, her golden fur gleamed under the dappled sunlight, but a streak of crimson marred her otherwise pristine coat. His heart skipped a beat. Rushing over, he began inspecting her body for injuries.

Rosette looked up at him, her feline face etched with worry and a hint of indignation. As soon as Wang Ping approached, she extended her tongue, licking his arm affectionately while emitting soft, whimpering sounds. 

Flipping through the fur on her back, Wang Ping discovered a wound—a graze from a bullet that had left a thin trail of blood—but it wasn’t serious. The real damage lay in the terror she’d endured. After all, she wasn’t some specially trained dog bred to navigate gunfire; she was just a wild creature trying to survive. That she’d managed to find Wang Ping and seek comfort spoke volumes about her resilience—or perhaps her oversized heart.

Thankfully, no major harm had come to her. Otherwise, Wang Ping would have been consumed by guilt. He envisioned a future where Rosette could thrive in these jungles, free from the clutches of poachers. But today’s ambush—and their subsequent retreat—left a bitter taste in his mouth. At least there was one silver lining: it seemed Rosette wouldn’t need any more “remedial lessons” about humans.

Wang Ping had initially worried that Rosette might lose her natural wariness of humans after spending so much time around Gu Lang. To counteract this, he’d even considered orchestrating a dramatic event—a sort of reverse psychology ploy—to remind her why humans were dangerous. Now, though, the poachers had done the job for him, delivering a lesson far more impactful than anything Wang Ping could have devised. In the future, whenever Rosette encountered humans, she’d likely run as fast and as far as her legs could carry her.

But at what cost? Wang Ping sighed inwardly. Damn those poachers. Who knew if he’d be able to pay the price they demanded—or whether he’d end up paying with his life. He despised these impromptu “wildlife remedial classes.” Not only were they exorbitantly priced, but the instructors were utterly unreliable.

As he stroked Rosette’s neck to calm her frazzled nerves, Wang Ping followed the trail Gu Lang had left behind during his hasty escape. This time, he didn’t dare underestimate the poachers. Carefully, methodically, he erased every trace of Gu Lang’s passage, smoothing over broken branches and disturbed foliage.

The poachers’ tactics had caught him off guard earlier. Their flanking maneuvers, combined with sniper support, were ruthless and effective. Even someone as battle-hardened as Wang Ping had been taken aback. Had Rosette not reacted quickly enough, he might very well have ended up collecting her corpse. And yet, the same could be said for the sniper—if not for his quick reflexes, he’d be mourning his teammates instead.

The sound of gunfire echoed for a while before fading into silence. Clearly, the poachers had been shaken by the encounter too. Though Wang Ping hadn’t witnessed it firsthand, their skirmish had yielded results.

By now, Tuka had rejoined his team, rifle in hand, keeping watch nearby. Meanwhile, the freckled white man cursed loudly, his voice shrill with pain. Though Rosette hadn’t bitten him when she pounced, the sheer force of her attack had left him battered and bruised. Felines, especially large ones, were built for power. 

Rosette weighed over 50 kilograms, and when she leapt from above, the impact alone was devastating. Her claws had dug deep into the man’s chest muscles, snapping two ribs. As she jumped away, her hooked claws raked across his torso, tearing flesh and leaving him bleeding profusely. Had the strike landed slightly higher, severing an artery, the freckled man would have bled out instantly. No wonder fear lingered in his voice, distorting it into something almost unrecognizable.

His companion, another white man, was tending to his wounds. Each touch elicited a fresh round of curses. Scarface approached Tuka, his usual stern demeanor softened momentarily. Patting Tuka on the shoulder, he said warmly, “We owe you one today. You saved us.”

“Boss is right,” chimed in the injured man, still cursing under his breath. “You’re our brother now! Oh, fuck! Be careful!”

Tuka smiled faintly, silently thanking the leopard in his mind. Turning to Scarface, he replied modestly, “We’re a team. I just did what I had to do.”

Scarface nodded approvingly. “I won’t forget this. Once we’re done here, I’ll give you an extra twenty percent of the spoils.”

“Sure, I’ve no objections.” the other white man interjected quickly.

“Damn straight! If anyone has a problem with that, I’ll gut them myself! Tuka saved our lives! Ow, fuck! You did that on purpose!” The freckled man winced as the other white man tightened the bandage.

“What’s the plan now?” Tuka asked, glancing at Scarface. “Do we keep chasing?”

Scarface hesitated. The ambush had been bizarre, almost nonsensical. Poachers like them carried an aura of danger that animals instinctively avoided. For a predator to attack head-on meant only one thing: a fight to the death. Scarface knew better than anyone what it meant to be hunted by a beast in the wild. If you didn’t kill it outright, it would haunt you forever, lurking unseen in the shadows.

After a brief pause, Scarface made his decision. “We pursue. If we find that leopard, we kill it as well. Leopard pelts fetch a good price. Consider it expanding our business.”

“Yes! Kill it! I want to eat its meat!” the freckled man snarled, gritting his teeth against the pain.

“Can you walk?” Scarface asked, raising an eyebrow.

“I can!” Despite his injuries, the freckled man clenched his jaw. “My legs are fine. I’m coming with you.”

Scarface nodded. “Then let’s move! The rain’s getting heavier. If we wait too long, we’ll lose the trail.”


Meanwhile, Gu Lang, after wrestling with his thoughts, turned back toward the direction he’d come from. As he walked, he muttered to himself, trying to bolster his courage. “I’ll just take a quick look. They won’t see me. I need to check if they’re alive or dead…”

This was the second time he’d been saved by them, wasn’t it? Gu Lang felt a pang of shame. As one of the leading beings among all living creatures, he felt as though his dignity had been mocked in the harshest way by nature.

But after retracing his steps for a while, Gu Lang grew confused. “Where the hell am I?” The forest looked the same in every direction—trees, bushes, no paths. Was this the place he’d passed earlier?

“Oh, right! I have GPS!” Cursing himself for forgetting, Gu Lang ducked behind a bush and pulled out his tablet.

Wang Ping and Rosette followed Gu Lang’s trail closely, but the further they went, the more puzzled Wang Ping became. Where was that guy heading? His route veered wildly off course, as if he’d panicked and lost his bearings. Then, after several hundred meters, Gu Lang’s footprints suddenly doubled back. Wang Ping frowned. Why the sudden change in direction? A diversionary tactic? Or something else entirely?




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