The villain only wants to live a Buddhist life c5

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Chapter 5: Dark Demon Attempts to Become a Top Student

“After you return, don't forget to use your sorting card to check the school rules. Lastly, I wish the new students the best in finding their own value at Saint Marian Academy over the next six years!”

The opening banquet ended amidst the students’ cheers.

Principal Arte did not deliver any plot hints like Dumbledore from Harry Potter.

This left Dark feeling uncertain about the situation.

But after thinking it through, even if something bad were to happen, the protagonist would carry the burden—what did it have to do with him, the villain?

He might as well focus on taking care of himself!

Saint Marian Academy was a closed school. Except for holidays, students could not leave the campus.

Once the school gates were shut, money, power, and connections were left behind. 

Knowledge, skills, and academic credits were the key factors that determined one's rank.

Even as the duchess’s son, Dark would be despised if he ended up at the bottom.

Moreover, everyone at Saint Marian Academy would be a future magister and didn’t fear noble authority.

Dark knew that his reputation wasn’t good outside of school. The only ones who would empathize with him were the other Noble House students from pure-blooded aristocratic families.

But that suited him just fine. Less socializing, more time for self-reflection. His goal was to live a relaxed life while studying hard and finding a way to completely rid himself of his demon god bloodline before it fully awakened!

Saint Marian Academy, besides the Holy Mystery Academy, was the most prestigious school in the kingdom and had the largest collection of books. If a way to remove the demon god bloodline couldn’t be found here, it would likely be impossible anywhere.

Following the senior students out of the great hall, Dark climbed a marble staircase, passed through winding corridors lined with portraits, crossed a high bridge, and finally reached the southwestern tower of the academy—the Noble House dormitory!

Saint Marian Academy had four such towers, each with nine floors above the basement.

The first floor was a common room.

Starting from the second floor, each floor was designated for a different year, from first to sixth.

The eighth floor was a dueling practice room, and the ninth was an observatory.

Noble House was guarded by a legendary golem known as the "Feathered Serpent."

The Feathered Serpent had colorful wings, and it was wise, gentle, and elegant.

It couldn’t lie, could see through illusions, and perceive truth—thus, it was known as the “truth presenter.”

Because of the Feathered Serpent, Noble House was the only dormitory among the four houses that did not require a token, password, or other “key” for entry.

If a student passed by the Feathered Serpent golem, it would immediately know if they belonged to Noble House.

Dark watched as Dianna excitedly rushed into the tower and followed her.

As he passed in front of the Feathered Serpent, the golem, coiled by the door, suddenly opened its serpent eyes. The bright, vertical pupils gleamed with intelligence, far from the lifeless gaze of an ordinary golem.

Dark froze in fear.

But the white light from the Feathered Serpent’s eyes scanned him quickly and then retracted.

The Feathered Serpent closed its eyes again, motionless.

Dark hurried his pace and entered the tower, finally breathing a sigh of relief.

“I almost thought it detected my demon god bloodline!”

Initially, Dark thought that since the awakening of his demon god bloodline had a visible progress bar, he had some leeway.

But now, even with only 1% awakened, he couldn’t escape the truth-seeing eyes of the Feathered Serpent golem!

“Is this what they call hell difficulty?” Dark couldn’t help but murmur to himself.

“Dark, what's your room number?” Dianna, holding her sorting card, ran over again.

Still shaken, Dark glanced at the door and infused his sorting card with magic energy.

The crown emblem on the front of the card faded, revealing the information he needed.

“Room 201.”

“Huh? Dianna is in room 233, that’s pretty far!”

“Aren’t we still in the same building?”

Dark brushed her off and quickly climbed to the second floor, finding his room at the far end of the hall.

It was only after entering his room and locking the door that he finally relaxed, letting out a wry smile.

“Two lifetimes, and I’ve never felt this much pressure.”

The dormitory was a single room, with a soft bed and a private bathroom.

New bedding and a complete set of first-year textbooks were neatly laid out on the bed.

Dark barely managed to make the bed before collapsing from exhaustion.

“I’ll figure it out tomorrow.”

At dawn, Dark woke up groggily. A copper clock on the wall opposite his bed showed the time—six o’clock sharp.

“Six? Classes don’t start until eight... I'll sleep a bit more.”

[Sloth +1]

The system notification popped up in front of him suddenly.

Dark jolted awake, his drowsiness vanishing instantly!

“Fu… ntastic!”

Seeing that the [Wrath] indicator hadn’t increased, Dark wiped the sweat from his brow.

The tolerance for [Pride] and [Wrath] was the smallest, while [Envy] and [Gluttony] had more leeway.

Fifteen minutes later.

Wearing his uniform, Dark came down to the common room on the first floor.

The Noble House uniform was black with gold trim, and a small crown emblem on the chest. The academy also provided a matching card pouch that could hold twenty-one magic cards.

The common room was quiet, and the magic lamps on the walls automatically lit up when someone entered.

Dark, deprived of the joy of returning to bed, sat down wearily and began taking out his textbooks from his shoulder bag.

In order to get rid of the demon god bloodline, aside from finding the right method, necessary knowledge and skills were crucial.

Imagine if the right method were written in a magic book but he couldn’t understand it—how hopeless would that be?

“The opposite of [Sloth] is [Diligence].”

From the pile of textbooks, Dark picked out the one needed for the first class today—Beginner’s Guide to Summoning.

[Summoning] was the foundational spell for using magic cards and was a basic skill every magister must master!

The reason the first class on Monday was Summoning was to teach new students how to summon their familiar spirit from the sorting card!

Under the dim lights, Dark Demon opened his textbook and began studying in the quiet common room.

A few minutes later, Dark got into the flow.

In his previous life, he was at least a university graduate, with more than adequate reading comprehension skills.

Among his peers in this world, none would have stronger literacy skills.

“Maybe being a top student wouldn’t be so bad?”

[Pride +1]


Dark suddenly realized he had improved—he hadn’t even cursed out.

Once he got into the rhythm of studying, it actually felt quite good.

He could tangibly feel himself making progress.

Human beings have a natural desire for knowledge—constantly acquiring knowledge, exploring the unknown, and solving mysteries is what pushes humans into new eras.

After studying seriously for an hour...

[Greed +1]

“Damn it!”

[Wrath +1]

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  1. This system is messed up... Even if he really lived as a buddhist, he would get more greed because of his desire for elightment
    Thanks for the chapters!
