The villain only wants to live a Buddhist life c4

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Chapter 4: The Path of Mastery over Gluttony

Thanks to Dianna’s help (gritted teeth), Dark managed to suppress his urge for gluttony!

As for the [Envy +1]…

Dark claimed he had no idea what Envy even was!

Staring at the empty plate before him, he fought to keep his irritation at bay, his gaze sweeping over the delicious food on the table.

Roast beef, roast chicken, lamb chops, sausages, steaks, Yorkshire pudding, baked cream potatoes, gravy, ketchup... beans!

Maintaining a graceful composure, he discreetly swallowed his saliva.

Dark scooped a small portion of beans from a silver bowl into his plate…

"I’ll start with the beans. Gluttony isn’t simply eating—controlled eating shouldn’t increase the [Gluttony] score."

Indeed, the food crafted by Principal Arte, who bore the title of “Saint,” was remarkable. Even ordinary stewed beans had a unique flavor.

Dark carefully picked out a single bean, pierced it with a silver fork, sliced it with a knife, and placed the pieces in his mouth one by one.

Chewing slowly, the bean's flavor gradually spread through his mouth—it was ridiculously delicious!

Dark couldn’t help but narrow his eyes as he reached for another bean.

Sitting opposite him, Rose Rothrock, another Noble House freshman, was using a silver spoon to shovel a large spoonful of beans into her mouth.

When Rose suddenly saw her classmate eating beans with such elegance, displaying noble refinement, her cheeks reddened. She quietly withdrew the spoon halfway from her mouth…

Mimicking Dark’s actions, Rose picked up a knife and fork, though she awkwardly tried to pierce the beans, which kept slipping away.

This gave her a slight appreciation for Dark’s skill in handling his utensils so deftly, even with beans.

“I’d always heard the duchess’s only son was a wicked and unruly noble with no manners. Who would've thought he’d be so refined?” 

At this age, girls often liked to create an image of others based on small details.

Especially someone like Rose, a girl who had just escaped the burdensome etiquette of nobility and was so exhilarated by the freedom of school life that she was practically lightheaded—otherwise, how could she have imagined Dark as some paragon of nobility?

Focused on his bean battle, Dark hadn’t noticed the peculiar thoughts running through the girl opposite him. As his plate of beans neared empty, he began to consider his next dish—perhaps the Yorkshire pudding?

Despite being called "pudding," Yorkshire pudding was more like bread, with a texture similar to soft bread.

It was usually served as a dessert after a roast beef dish.

It was made by smearing the drippings from the roasted beef onto the pudding tin, then pouring in the batter once the oil began to smoke. The pudding baked into a bread-like form, its crust golden and crispy, the inside soft and delicate, and finally, it was topped with meat gravy…


Just imagining it made Dark salivate.

He was about to reach for a Yorkshire pudding when Dianna, sitting beside him, suddenly said: "Huh? Dark, do you like beans? You can have Dianna’s too!"

With that, she dumped a large pile of beans from her plate into his!

Then she added, "Consider it thanks for the honey-glazed lamb!"

She turned away and muttered softly, "Dianna doesn't like beans…"

Dark stared at the mountain of beans now piled on his plate, his eyebrow twitching slightly.

[Wrath +1]

“Damn it!”

Though he wasn’t actually that angry, the [Wrath] indicator had suddenly increased.

Was it because the demon god’s bloodline was awakening, making him more prone to corruption?

Dark silently chewed his beans.

Inside, he was anxious and irritated, but outwardly, he remained composed and elegant, his actions calm and measured.

When he finally finished the beans on his plate, all the food on the table disappeared in an instant!

Main course time was over—dessert time had begun!

Suddenly, the table was filled with various flavors of ice cream, apple pie, syrup cakes, chocolate puddings, fried jam donuts, wine-soaked jam puddings, strawberry tarts…

The rich, overwhelming sweetness filled the air!

Dark stared quietly at the desserts.

He wasn’t full at all!

The hunger in his stomach, combined with the rich scent of the desserts, made it impossible to resist!

His sinful hand reached for his favorite chocolate pudding, the pent-up desire to eat bursting forth!

[Gluttony +1]

"Just one point. I just lost one earlier!"

Dark reached for a syrup cake.

[Gluttony +1]

"It’s fine. There’s still plenty of room in the Gluttony indicator!"

"Starting tomorrow, I’ll control myself. I can bring it back down."

[Gluttony +1]

After eating a piece of strawberry tart, Dark finally stopped.

He picked up a wet towel from the side and carefully wiped the sugar from the corner of his mouth.

“Dark, you like desserts too?”

“Dianna loves desserts.”

You like everything except beans, don't you?

Ignoring the girl's murmurings, Dark adjusted his posture slightly, his gaze shifting toward the long table of the Knight House.

At this moment, White Gawd was already chatting happily with a new student beside him, who, if Dark guessed correctly, was likely the Ron Weasley of this story—White’s best friend.

Poor best friend—unlike in Harry Potter, where he ended up with Hermione Granger after a lifetime of hard work, he probably wouldn’t end up with anyone in Duel! Saint Marian Super XX Academy, this Galgame.

He’d likely remain lonely for life—perhaps that would be his final fate.

Dark sighed inwardly. At least he had an arranged fiancée who would be enrolling next year to look forward to.

Now, where was the main heroine, the one playing Hermione Granger’s role?

Dark glanced around but didn’t spot any girl particularly close to White, so he withdrew his gaze.

However, despite Dark already looking away, the keenly observant White had noticed his stare.

Perhaps Dark’s aura stood out too much among his peers, making him hard to ignore.

“Who’s that guy with his eyes above his nose?” White whispered.

Beside him, Robert Brogheim, the Ron-like character, asked in confusion, “Aren’t everyone’s eyes above their noses?”

“Uh, I mean that arrogant-looking guy,” White pointed at his brow.

Robert shrugged. “If you mean the blonde guy, he’s Dark Demon, the son of Alvette Saint Demon, the only female duke of the kingdom.”

White muttered, “Alvette Demon, the Valkyrie who, along with my father, was known as one of the kingdom's Twin Swords? So her son must be virtuous and noble like her? Maybe we could become good friends?”

“Pfft!” Robert couldn’t help but laugh. “White, not everyone inherits their parents' virtues.”

White responded, “Really? But I don’t even know what my parents look like…”





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  1. tq for the chapter

  2. I dunno but for some reason I hate the way the mc is always so irritated

    1. But it's funnier this way (for me)

    2. bruh it's just chapter 4. also I like the way the mc mature over time.
