The villain only wants to live a Buddhist life c3

Chapter 3: Dark Demon Doesn’t Understand Envy

“Dianna Great Bayer. That’s my name. What about yours?”

“Dark Demon.”

Great Bayer, the Bear of the Kingdom!

Every member of the Great Bayer family was born with immense strength, as powerful as a brown bear, whether male or female!

But what’s going on with this little girl in front of him?

Dianna Great Bayer had just reached school age, and her height was even shorter than other kids her age. After climbing onto a chair, her feet couldn’t even touch the ground, and her round, chubby face was so soft and pink, that it made people want to reach out and pinch her cheeks!

To stretch them, squish them flat, and then stretch them again...

[Lust +1]

[Greed +1]

“Wait a minute!”

Dark suddenly remembered something.

“Could it be that she’s filling the role of Malfoy’s sidekicks, like Crabbe and Goyle, from the game?”

There weren’t many airheads who would dare cozy up to the duchess’s son right after entering school!

Damn, this lousy game, filled with nothing but female characters!

Dark calmed himself, deciding to keep more than a safe distance from Dianna for his own safety.

In the game Duel! Saint Marian Super XX Academy, there was one thing that was the same as in almost every other Galgame on the market—any female character that appeared with a well-drawn portrait could be romanced.

From the player’s perspective, romancing a beautiful woman close to a villain would obviously be very tempting.

Not to mention, lolita characters were a must in Galgames.

But none of that mattered to Dark.

The only thought he had about Dianna was the desire to pinch her cheeks.

Keeping a distance was to avoid getting addicted to the pinching.

In the early stages of self-cultivation, staying away from temptation is the best approach.

Plus, after this brief encounter, Dark had completely lost confidence in his self-control!

It was easy to curb arrogance, but how was he going to restrain anger, greed, or lust?

Greed is the driving force behind human progress!

Procreation is a necessary act to ensure the survival of a species!

Dark was troubled.

“Emma Mortis!”

“Knight House!”

“Sara Swati!”

“Magister House!”

“Klein Moretti!”

“Fool House!”

As time passed, only one new student remained who hadn’t yet participated in the sorting ceremony!

He had become the center of attention, enjoying the collective gaze of every student at Saint Marian Academy.

Dark couldn’t help but look over.

The last student to step onto the stage had short black hair. His features weren’t particularly striking, but they were all above average, giving him an overall pleasant appearance.

In contrast, Dark himself had extremely refined, sharp features, a blonde and handsome boy whose looks were on full display.

As the game’s main antagonist, players affectionately referred to him as “Goldie,” apparently because he was the “big brother of the blonde villains.”

“White Gawd!”

White God?

Could you be any more casual with that name?

Dark was speechless.

This guy is definitely the original protagonist!

“Gawd? Is he from the Gawd family of the Brave One?” 

With White Gawd’s appearance, the students in the hall began discussing.

Compared to the Demon family, who were always in the public eye, the Gawd family had vanished from sight after the Brave One’s sacrifice.

When someone asked about them, fortune-tellers would dramatically repeat the same line: “Throughout history, the Brave One has appeared when humanity needs him the most!”

But does the disaster come first, or does the Brave One?

Is it the disaster that brings forth the Brave One?

Or does the Brave One’s appearance cause the disaster?

Whether one asked a fortune-teller or a sage, they would always dodge the question.

“Dark, do you think the Brave One’s son will come to our house?” Dianna asked excitedly, her eyes sparkling.

It wasn’t just her—many students in Noble House were hoping for White Gawd’s joining!

Though the Gawd family kept a low profile, they had always been nobility. If he was placed in Noble House, it wouldn’t be surprising at all!

“If White Gawd joins our house too, wouldn’t the ‘Twin Swords of the Kingdom’ finally be complete?”

The Noble House students were abuzz with anticipation, their voices filled with excitement.

But their wish was destined to remain unfulfilled.

Dark saw the text [Wrath -1] flash before his eyes and smiled slightly.

“Looks like I can keep it together when I want to, huh?”

“White Gawd!”

“Knight House!”

The fireworks released from the sorting card formed a large knight’s lance in the air.

White Gawd walked to the Knight House table amidst their frenzied cheers.

“We have a Gawd!”

“We have a Gawd!”

The entire hall echoed with the chant of “White Gawd,” a more enthusiastic and passionate cheer than what Dark had received during his sorting.

[Envy +1]

“Damn it!”

[Wrath +1]

Dark quickly composed himself.

He didn’t feel envious at all—so why did his Envy stat just go up by one?

This system must be broken!

Dark felt his pride was being insulted!

Principal Arte’s gentle voice cut through the hall’s excitement: “New students, please take care of your sorting cards. They will guide you through the next six years of your academy life.”

At Saint Marian Academy, the sorting ceremony also involved the distribution of sorting cards.

Every new student received a sorting card during the ceremony.

This sorting card not only represented the student’s identity but was also the first magic card each student “made themselves” after entering the academy!

It would be an essential tool throughout their six years at the academy!

Dark also looked at his sorting card.

As the only son of the duchess, he had received advanced education at home before entering the academy. He had basic knowledge of magic energy, magisters, and magic cards.

In the kingdom, anyone who received an admission letter from Saint Marian Academy was a person with magical talent, a future magister.

A magister’s magic energy would grow with age, and using magic repeatedly would improve its quality, but the increase in magic capacity was quite limited.

Without meditation techniques to increase magic energy capactiy, humanity had historically been no match for the magically superior demon race.

That was until Merlin, the most powerful magister in history, appeared and changed everything.

Merlin invented alchemy that crafted knowledge, magic energy, imagination, potions, and other elements into cards, creating the groundbreaking magic card!

And he generously shared this knowledge with the world!

From then on, magisters abandoned wands, continually creating powerful magic cards, eventually wiping out the demon race that had fallen behind the times!

The sorting cards provided by the academy were such cards but semi-finished that needed the students to complete the final step to make them whole.

Principal Arte finished her brief speech, then pulled out a food-themed magic card.

With a simple wave of her hand, every table was filled with exquisite dishes.

Faced with the delicious aroma of countless dishes, all the students temporarily forgot everything else and began to enjoy the feast with joy.

Except for Dark, who stared at the food in front of him, frozen.

“Huh? Dark, don’t you like this honey-roasted lamb leg? If not, Dianna can help you finish it.” Dianna quickly snatched away Dark’s honey-roasted lamb leg.

[Envy +1]

[Gluttony -1]




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  1. pls change the sin names to english.... I have no clue what goes up and down and totally have no willpower to learn what it means

    1. Thanks, all the names are changed to English now

  2. Klein Moretti LUL
    Obviously the fool goes to the fool house, please, weren't you busy with the outer gods out there?

    1. Obviously this story is in his dream world lol

    2. Also, isn't he still sleeping after became the god (above sequence zero) in the fool's pathway? What is he doing by entering this school LOL

  3. It's a little miesleading the name of the MC being Demon and at the same time having characters like the demon king, demon god and demons in general, it's just too much demon to my brain to process, if the "bad guys" were called Devil or something like that things would be easier

  4. And selflessly make this knowledge public!
    - Also it's weird that the MC's name is Dark•Demon while the Bad guys are the demons. Maybe change one of their names to devil? I know it's supposed to be a self insert of a parody but it still be weird.

  5. So it's dependant on what the system decides and not on his actual feelings, if the system judges that he is envious, then it'll up his envy.

  6. I hope author gives the fool justice

  7. "Klein Moretti!"

    "Fool House!"

    Praise the Fool!

    The Fool that doesn't belong to this era.

    The mysterious ruler above the gray fog.

    The king of yellow and black who wields good luck!
