The villain only wants to live a Buddhist life c2

Chapter 2: Dark Demon Just Wants to Live a Laid Back Life

Amidst the cheers of the Noble House students, Dark Demon stepped down from the stage.

Although his smile was slightly stiff, he still tried to raise his hand, giving his supporters the response they deserved.

As a noble pure-blood aristocrat, he had to maintain more than just basic etiquette; he couldn't act too abruptly.

Even though now, he was seriously questioning his so-called "pure-blood."

—What kind of pure-blood carries the bloodline of a demon god?

Sitting down in the Noble House seats, Dark turned to face the stage.

In that instant, the strained smile he had been forcing collapsed!

“The demon god bloodline has entered the awakening stage!”

This startled him even more than the system's trigger!

“What caused the demon god bloodline to awaken ahead of schedule? In the game, it should have only been triggered much later for some unknown reason, right?”

“Why didn’t it trigger earlier or later, but only when I regained my memories?”

“Wait, could that be the reason?”

“No, I don’t have time to dwell on this now.”

“If I don’t want to be blasted off the stage by Principal Arte’s [Magical Spirit Cannon], I need to think of a solution quickly...”

“Fortunately, according to the system, the demon god bloodline has only just entered the awakening phase and hasn’t fully awakened yet. There’s still hope!”

Dark’s eyes flickered as he tried to call out to the system in his mind.

[Hello, Host! The demon god support system is at your service!]

Damn this demon god support!

Dark gritted his teeth.

This stupid system existed just to assist him in becoming a demon god!

But the war between humans and demons ended more than ten years ago, with the complete extermination of the demon race and the permanent sealing of the demon king.

As a result, humanity had entered an era without demons, known as the Era of Saint Marian!

In this Era of Saint Marian, with the demons wiped out and the demon king forever sealed, where was there room for any heretics to survive?

In the original story, it was widely known that even after the demon king broke free from its seal, it was still brutally defeated.

And even worse, the demon king was split into seven parts and repeatedly beaten, one part after another!

Even though the demon god ranks above the demon king, what could a lone commander do?

Once exposed, wouldn’t it still mean certain death?

In fact, the demon king was even better off—it had seven lives!

“Can you tell me how the demon god bloodline will fully awaken?” he asked.

[Pride, envy, wrath, sloth, greed, gluttony, and lust—these are the seven deadly sins necessary for the demon god's awakening!]

[Once any of these indicators surpasses the critical value, the seven sins will pull together, and the host's demon god bloodline will gradually awaken, transforming irreversibly into the great demon god!]

[Current awakening progress: 0%]

[Please work hard to complete the indicators, Host!]

“Show me the indicators,” Dark demanded.

[Of course.]

Moments later, seven indicators appeared in Dark’s vision.

[Pride: 92]

[Envy: 39]

[Wrath: 93]

[Sloth: 71]

[Greed: 72]

[Gluttony: 52]

[Lust: 72]

As his gaze swept over, Dark's mood instantly soured.

Of the seven indicators, aside from envy and gluttony being slightly lower, all the others were over 70!

Wrath, in particular, was a terrifying 93, practically glowing red!

"So, I'm a lazy, arrogant, greedy, self-indulgent, and damnably short-tempered piece of trash?"

“This doesn’t make sense! The upper limit of these indicators must be 1000!”

[Kind reminder from the demon god support system: Under normal circumstances, the upper limit of the deadly sin indicators is 120.]

[Now that the demon god bloodline has entered the awakening phase, the host will be more prone to falling. Keep working hard, and you’ll surpass the critical values for pride and wrath, fully awakening the demon god bloodline and restoring the glory of the demons!]

“Keep working hard? Are you kidding me?”

“No, no! I can’t get angry, I absolutely must not get angry!”

Just a twitch of his eye caused the wrath indicator to increase by 1 point!

Dark quickly held his breath, calming his mind, and silently chanted, “Oh, Great Merciful Dragon, Venerable Bodhisattva, Wise Buddhas, Heed My prayers!”

[Wrath +1]


A few minutes later.

Dark realized that the seven indicators weren’t constant. The one that fluctuated the most easily was clearly [Wrath].

After he forced himself to calm down, the wrath indicator gradually dropped back to 93.

However, deadly sin indicators like pride and envy, which were more deeply rooted in one’s nature, were very difficult to reduce.

As the saying goes, “A leopard never changes its spots,” and this was the truth.

Even after regaining his memories from his past life, all it did was slowly reduce his pride from 92 to 91.

After all, the memories of this life hadn’t been forgotten.

He had truly been an arrogant aristocratic brat for over a decade!

That deep-rooted pride was something that couldn’t be easily eradicated in a short time.

Even with a clear understanding, it would still take a long period of self-discipline to gradually reverse it.

He had to bring all seven indicators below the standard line.

Otherwise, with just one mistake, any corresponding emotion could easily explode and push past the critical value!

Extreme emotions were more likely to cause explosive growth.

And it would be difficult to reduce them back to the initial standard.

Only through self-cultivation—by restraining arrogance, avoiding anger, overcoming greed, resisting sloth, and curbing envy—could he suppress the demon god bloodline’s seven deadly sins and snatch a slim chance of survival!

Dark had an epiphany!

From today onwards, I, Dark Demon, will be a new person!

[Please work hard to fall and become a demon god, Host!]

“Get lost!”

[Wrath +1]

As Dark had this moment of enlightenment, the sorting ceremony on the stage continued.

One by one, new students were assigned to the most suitable houses, and Noble House welcomed its own newcomers.

However, due to the complex relationships between nobles, no one dared sit next to the duchess’s son.

Valkyrie Alvette Saint Demon, who swept the battlefield with sheer force, was known for her hatred of evil and had eliminated countless demons. In the end, she even helped the Brave One seal the “undying demon king,” earning the title of one of the "Kingdom's Twin Swords," revered by all!

When the Brave One sacrificed himself to seal the demon king, Alvette became the highest representative of pure combat strength in the kingdom!

The only people who could rival Alvette were a few select individuals, such as the principal of Saint Marian Academy, the Holy Pope, and the principal of Holy Mystery Academy.

If not for the awakening of the demon god bloodline, Dark could have relied on Valkyrie's protection to live a life of wealth and privilege as the future duke, no matter how terrible he was.

“Damn demon god bloodline!”

[Wrath +1]

“Stay calm, stay calm!”

Dark quickly closed his eyes, emptied his mind, and let his turbulent emotions settle.

[Wrath -1]

“Excuse me, may I sit here?” a voice suddenly asked.

Dark kept his eyes shut.

“Then I’ll sit here.”


“You seem strange, did you not sleep well last night? I have a [Requiem] card that I can lend you.”

Unable to resist any longer, Dark finally opened his eyes and, in the calmest voice possible, said, “[Requiem] is from the cursed magic card series, right? Are you using it to help people sleep?”

“Huh? Is that so?” Dianna Great Bayer exclaimed in surprise.

Her slightly parted lips made her look incredibly cute.

Dark’s brow twitched, and he suddenly felt an uncontrollable surge of power within him.

[Lust +1]


[Wrath +1]





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  1. So his wrath is already like around 97? Now that he has his other memories (which I assume overpowers his previous self), can't he be much calmer?

    1. I think the wrath here is more like how easy he can get angry. It's not how angry he is..

    2. Oh that clears my doubts.

  2. tq for chapter

  3. Do I actually need to watch Yu-Gi-Oh to be better with these card names and features or there won't be any need to do so ?

    1. Most of his cards are actually from Pokémon and Digimon. Having watched just a single season or two of uugioh is enough. Opponent cards are often from yugioh

  4. LoL, systems really do suck to have sometimes.
