[BL] Rebirth: Back to Zero - Chapter 15 Part3


Rebirth: Back to Zero 
Author: 祎庭沫瞳 (Yi Ting Mo Tong)

Chapter 15 An Eldritch Horror (Part 3/3)

From the side, Jun Lixuan watched them talking. With every interaction, his face fell more and more sullen. Once Ling Qiyang finished making arrangements, he led them out of the house.

The woman looked at them and nodded with affirmation. When they left the room, she went back to the bed to lie down.

After the opera ended, the wives and concubines of Fourth Prince also returned to their residences. Jun Chengyan did not wish to sleep with his wife or concubines. He left to his chambers under the pretext of training and reading, escaping their relentless flirting.

In the dead of night, Jun Chengyan, accompanied by the housekeeper, entered the small courtyard where the woman was. Jun Chengyan stepped in and instructed the housekeeper to leave together with the entourage. He even drove away the guards before entering the house.

The room was dimly lit, with little to no presence felt. Jun Chengyan used the faint candlelight to size up the woman on the bed clearly. He really loved her slender figure and shape features. The more he looked, the stronger the satisfaction on his face. He closed in towards the bed, removing a piece of clothing with each step.

He leaned forward and laid a gentle peck on her forehead. Right at that moment, the woman suddenly opened her eyes. From her eyes, nose and ears, fresh crimson blood dripped out eerily. Jun Chengyan was stupefied. His eyes widened three sizes larger, and his jaws dropped. He wanted to scream but found no sound coming out of his throat. Caution and fear blared deafening in his ears, but his legs were weak, and his knees buckled. He was was helpless and could only fall on the bed softly, staring and trembling.

The bleeding woman slowly sat up. With bloodshot eyes, she stared at him fiercely. A piercing shiver ran down Jun Chengyan’s spine and cold sweat collected on his forehead. Just as he was thinking about how to call for help, the woman's face suddenly cracked into several pieces. The originally beautiful skin on her face peeled off, revealing bloody red flesh. The blood flowed down along the cracks staining the white bedsheets and blanket crimson.

Colour drained from Jun Chengyan's face, sweat ran down his temples, and his whole body shook. He mouthed, "Ghost...Ghost..."

The woman said in a hoarse and screeching voice, "I will chop off your balls and burn it as a tribute to all the woman in the world." While she spoke, the woman took off the hairpin from her head and slammed it at Jun Chengyan's privates.

Jun Chengyan felt that the blood from the woman’s face dripped on his. The droplet was chillingly cold on his skin. As her cracked face closed in, he could see the white bones under the red flesh peeking through. The moment the woman swung the hairpin down, Jun Chengyan rolled his eyes and fainted. Little did he know that the woman's hairpin only stuck to the mattress and did not hurt him at all.

Seeing that the fainted person, the woman grabbed her hairpin and rushed out as Ling Qiyang instructed. Hearing the movement of the door opening, the housekeeper ran into the yard. The first sight that entered his eyes was a bloody and seemingly flying woman. Instantly, his knees buckled, and he fell to the ground.

Jun Lixuan 's shadow guard hooked the woman's waist with soft silk as the woman ran. He tugged it lightly, hulling her into the air and made her look like she was floating. By this time, the woman's blood had stained her white clothes. Her hair was dishevelled, and her bloodied sleeves were fleeted about. Her appearance was literally hellish.

One of Jun Chengyan’s concubine heard that her husband had brought the woman back today, and her heart was down. With her family's influence and Jun Chengyan’s favour, she came to arrest that woman with a full entourage. She had planned to demand an explanation from Jun Chengyan and to coax and dote on her.

Little did she expect, as soon as she entered the courtyard gate, she saw a bloodied woman floating around. The woman zoomed straight at her and stared face to face with her. She held her breath for a few moments as shock crash through her mind. Then, her breathing hastened into short wheezes as her lower lips whimpered. When her mind finally registered what her eyes saw, she screamed. Repeatedly, her shrieks pierced through the dead silence of the night as if she was crazy.

The woman was clever. She knew her job well. She repeatedly cried, "You will pay back what you owed me. Return me my life. I still want to get married, return me my life. My husband is still waiting for me... he is waiting for me..."

These eerie chants reverberated in the concubine's ears. The more she heard them, the fiercer and hoarser her screams. The attendant who came with her was so scared that he relieved himself on the spot, crashing into the pool of his yellow excretion. Hearing the shrieks, the guards came one after another. Alas, the scene in front of them had them retreating in fear. They have seen people dressing up as ghost, yet this ghost seemed too real. After all, no human could still speak with a face that was this cracked, right?

"I will be back... I will be back..." The woman continued her chants as her bloodshot eyes scanned her surroundings.

Sensing that the act had met his goals, Jun Lixuan waved his hand. The shadow guard pulled in the rope, the woman quickly drifted away from everyone's sight. Only the blood on the ground confirmed that what she had just seen was real.

Jun Lixuan did not stay for long. He picked up Ling Qiyang, jumped, onto and off the roof. Then, he retreated in the direction of the manor.


Translator's Notes:

Although this woman doesn't have many roles, she will play a key role in the future. Don't forget her. I absolutely loved how dramatic this chapter is. Ling Qiyang must be quite genius to think of this and execute it in such a short time!

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  1. Thank you for the extra chapter!!!

  2. Ohhh god I just loved this chapter and thanks for the hard work

  3. yep good luck for the future nightmares!! hahahaha thank u for the chapter~

  4. This is simply brilliant, I laugh so hard at their suffering. Fuck'em

  5. i will also shout on top of my lungs if i ever see a bloodied, floating person in front of me.

    She should have pierced the scum in his privates XD
