Driver of The Beautiful CEO - Chapter 47: Just Right

Liu Yanbo held a fruit knife in his right hand.

The knife was 3 inches long and it shone with a cold light.

It was an ordinary fruit knife that could be seen everywhere in daily life, but at that moment, it seemed to have been infused with the vitality of a venomous snake, and it was as bloodthirsty as a devil.

Other than Jiu Ye and the old guard, there were eight members of the Undercurrent still alive, and three of them carried pistols.

The living room was very large, with enough space for more than ten people to stay comfortably. But for a deadly battle, it was too small. In a crowded enclosed space, guns were less effective than others.

Firstly, Liu Yanbo's reaction speed was frightening, and he wouldn’t give them any chances to aim at him;

Secondly, they had the disadvantage of being in a large number of people, therefore it was easy for them to accidentally get injured.

They were veterans in life-threatening situations, and weighing the pros and cons had already become an instinct.

The three Undercurrent gunmen put away their pistols at almost the same time, drew out their knives, and charged towards Liu Yanbo with four others.

For the nine of them to be selected to rescue the Undercurrent’s prince, meant that, of course, they were all excellent at their skills. Especially one of them, an old man who was about the same age as Jiu Ye, was amazing and looked exceptionally strong.

He was sitting on the sofa, holding a small purple teacup in his hand, and taking a sip from time to time.

He neither participated in the attack nor spared a glance to his dead companion, and even from the beginning to the end, he didn’t even look at Liu Yanbo.

He was even more confident than Jiu Ye had been.

Liu Yanbo hadn’t noticed the old man before, but when he did he just glanced at him indifferently.

In the world of killers, only those who lived to the end had confidence.

He’d be the one who would live to the end.

After having cut the mustache man's throat, Liu Yanbo's movements didn’t stop, before his left foot even touched the ground, and his right foot jerked forward like a spring.

Seven people, in seven different directions, lunged towards Liu Yanbo in the blink of an eye. Some leaped, some squatted… Seven knives cut Liu Yanbo's body in seven different places; his face, the back of his neck, the left side of his waist, his right armpit, one of his thighs, his ankle, and even his chest.

Faced with this seamless attack, Liu Yanbo didn’t retreat but moved forward. Before they could complete their final offensive, he moved first.

‘Shua~’ A blade broke through the air.

Liu Yanbo waved the fruit knife in his hand. He moved as fast as a spinning top spun, leaving only afterimages, which happened to be seven.

‘Squirt~’ A gush of blood spurted from the throat of a person in front of each afterimage, and it sprinkled to the air like a fountain.

The same technique was used on the seven people.

There was a violent storm outside, and a rain of blood inside.

‘BANG! BANG!’ The old guard raised his gun and pulled the trigger two times. The first shot aimed at Liu Yanbo, and the second shot aimed at Liu Yanbo’s next theoretical movement. 

Indeed, the sharpshooter who had followed Jiu Ye for thirty-one years had lost his previous confidence and after firing two shots in a row, he was ready to fire the third one.

He believed that Liu Yanbo would still be able to avoid those two shots.

The afterimage was still there, in front of the seven people who had all been killed in an instant.

Before the old guard could have any time to fire his third shot, a cold light flashed in front of him. He felt a sudden pain in his right wrist. When he saw it more clearly, he realized that the hand holding the gun had fallen to the ground.

The old guard groaned and quickly retreated, enduring the pain of having his hand cut off. He wanted to retreat to Jiu Ye’s side, who still hadn’t gotten involved in the bloody battle.

‘Shua~’ A cold light broke through the air, and in an instant, a knife was ruthlessly plunged into the old guard’s heart.

‘Thud!’ Before the old guard's dilated pupils could even reflect the fear of death, he had fallen straight back, in front of Jiu Ye’s feet.

Another one died.

Liu Yanbo finally stopped and stood in the same place Jiu Ye was when he was about to pull the third trigger.

He squinted at Jiu Ye, then glanced at the old man sitting on the sofa.

Jiu Ye no longer had his hands clasped behind his back, and the old man no longer sipped tea.

In less than a minute, nine people were killed in a row.

Liu Yanbo proved himself worthy of their high vigilance, and maybe even their fear.

“What even are you?” Jiu Ye's voice was somber, and he coldly stared at Liu Yanbo. As for the old guard who fell at his feet, he didn't even look at him.

What about the 31 years they spent together? Did Jiu Ye feel any sadness or nostalgia? 

He had no idea what those were.

Besides, now was not the time to be sentimental.

It had been a long time since anyone felt so dangerous to him. He was more dangerous than all the dangers he had faced in the past combined.

He was certain that the young man in front of him was not just a simple taxi driver.

“Whether you know or not, what difference would it make?” Liu Yanbo asked back.

It was a dead-end for them, did it matter what he was? Knowing wouldn’t help them in any way.

Liu Yanbo shook his head and indifferently said, "Now, there are only two old guys left. Are you going together or one by one?"

His words were too cruel, hurting Jiu Ye's self-esteem.

Suddenly, a terrifying killing intent erupted from Jiu Ye. He went straight to Liu Yanbo and said in a cold voice, "You are indeed very strong, but I didn’t become what I am now by luck. You’re not the first person who wanted to kill me, and you certainly won't be the last."

Jiu Ye had relied only on his abilities to achieve his current status.

The fights from a few decades ago were not the same as the current quick and bloodless murders. It was a ruthless era where the knives were stained with the blood of enemies.

To have started from that bloody path and arrive at his current wealth and status proved that Jiu Ye’s combat skills were not to be underestimated.

Even in recent years, Jiu Ye had killed a few of the world’s top assassins.

The combat skills Liu Yanbo had displayed were terrifying. But in Jiu Ye’s mind, he was just a skillful and senseless young man, someone very dangerous, but not to be afraid of.

In response, Liu Yanbo just stood in place. A smile arose from under his mask, "I hope your strength matches your self-confidence."

Jiu Ye began walking towards Liu Yanbo faster and faster. When he reached the distance of about two meters, he shook his right hand, and a hidden blade fell from his sleeve to his hand.

‘Sha~’ Just when Jiu Ye was about to pierce Liu Yanbo’s eyes, the old man who had been sitting on the sofa finally made a move, and threw a knife directly towards Liu Yanbo's back.

Liu Yanbo slightly turned sideways and started moving once again. This time, his movements weren’t as fast as before, and it didn’t have the same trace of dazzling afterimages. He clasped Jiu Ye’s wrist with his right hand and with his left, used his index and middle finger like pliers to catch the blade coming from behind him.

He was neither too fast nor too slow, just right.


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