Carrying the Bases of Starcraft C2

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Chapter 2: Hatching Zerglings

Just as Tang Fang was hesitating between staying or leaving, he suddenly heard a series of scattered footsteps and the conversation of two people coming from around a nearby bend.

It was Thomas and Conda!

Tang Fang's heart lifted with joy, and he was just about to call out to them when he heard their faint conversation drifting over, leaving him completely stunned.

“Thomas, do you think that guy’s dead after falling from that height?”

“Hmph, even if the fall didn’t kill him, those bugs would’ve definitely torn him apart.”

“That idea Commander Wei suggested was brilliant. Now, all we need is a few photos, submit a death report, and those bonuses will be enough for us to have a good time for more than half a year.”

“Hehe, I heard that a few new girls arrived at the Omega Space Station, real beauties with big boobs and slender legs. Once this is over, we should go have some fun.”

“You’re speaking my language.”


Their conversation was followed by a lecherous laugh, as if a couple of bandits had just spotted a helpless maiden.

Tang Fang felt his entire body go cold, and beads of sweat formed on his forehead. No wonder things turned out this way; it was all a premeditated plot by those two.

*Thud, thud.*

The sound of heavy military boots stepping on the rocky ground was getting closer and closer.

If they discovered he was still alive, they would definitely kill him on the spot. Fight back? With his current injured state, could he even do it? Not to mention that his gun was out of ammo after the earlier battle, and all he had left was a single fragmentation grenade. Unless he had a death wish and wanted to take those two bastards down with him, that grenade was utterly useless.

Tang Fang didn’t want to just get shot dead right after being transported here. Back when he lost his job, broke up with his girlfriend of five years from college, and had over a hundred thousand in debt, he still gritted his teeth and pulled through. Now, they expected him to just close his eyes and wait to die? That would be like asking an otaku to give up watching Japanese hentai—simply impossible.

Gritting his teeth, he carefully threw his gun to the side and then ripped off the medical patch from his leg wound with clenched teeth. He dug his fingers into the wound, smeared some blood on his neck, and laid down beside a dead bug, pressing his throat against its sharp claw to fake his death by having his throat slit.

*Thud, thud.*

The footsteps got closer. He could even hear their heavy breathing.

Clearly, they were scared too. They moved forward cautiously with their guns ready, carefully scanning the area.

Their flashlights swept around the scene. Seeing all the bugs dead and Tang Yan lying on the ground seemingly lifeless, their faces lit up with joy. This was the best-case scenario. All they needed was to take a few photos, send one with the death report, hand one to their commander, and then they could collect their bonuses.

“Thomas, you go turn on the video recorder and capture this scene. I’ll keep watch.”

“Okay.” Thomas agreed, and then activated the camera on his shoulder, slowly moving forward.

Tang Fang lay still on the ground, holding his breath and not daring to move a muscle. With Conda on guard, he had no way to reverse the situation. His only hope was that they would assume he was dead, take the photos, and leave.

“All done.” Thomas circled Tang Yan’s body, turned off the camera, and smiled. “Job well done. Let’s go.”

Conda nodded and was about to retreat, but then he suddenly said, as if wanting to make sure, “Hey, Thomas, double-check if he’s really dead. We don’t want any trouble later.”

Hearing this, Tang Fang shivered violently, his mind going blank. If Thomas checked carefully, he would surely see through the ruse. At that point, all Conda needed to do was pull the trigger, and Tang Fang would be riddled with bullets.


Just then, a strange sound echoed in his mind. In a flash, he noticed that the spawning pool on the Creep had completed construction. The pool, armed with sharp spikes and resembling the maw of a fierce beast, was filled with bubbling green liquid.

In the game, the spawning pool is the most basic technological structure. Once built, the Hatchery can start producing Zerglings and Queens, and it can also upgrade the Zerglings' attack and movement speed.

He noticed that the earlier crystal value of 250 had now dropped by 200, leaving him with just 50. Reflexively, he quickly pressed the hotkey to produce Zerglings.

His life energy immediately dropped to zero, and at the same time, one of the larvae transformed into an egg, beginning the hatching process. This series of operations all happened in his mind, seemingly complex, but it took only a brief moment.

“Okay.” Meanwhile, Thomas responded and, clearly reluctant, squatted down to feel Tang Fang’s carotid artery.

Tang Fang snapped awake at the sound. In an instant, his body tightened. Seizing the moment when Thomas was completely off guard, he abruptly rolled to the side and slashed at Thomas’s throat with the knife he had been holding for a long time.

He’s still alive! 

The sudden turn of events stunned both of them.

The knife gleamed coldly under the flashlight, cutting through the air towards Thomas’s neck. Thomas had no time to think and fell back on his butt, tilting his head just in time to avoid the blade that grazed his throat.

If Tang Fang had pushed forward just half an inch more, the knife would have cut a bloody hole in Thomas’s throat. Cold sweat drenched Thomas’s body, and urine spurted out, soaking his pants.

Damn it! Tang Fang cursed inwardly. If it weren’t for the pain in his leg slowing him down, Thomas would already be dead by now.

“Thomas, get down!” Conda shouted, recovering from his shock. He aimed his gun and pulled the trigger.

*Bang, bang, bang.*

Three quick shots hit the rocks, sending sparks flying.

Tang Fang was gasping for breath. Even with all of Tang Yan’s combat skills, he barely dodged those shots.

The pain from his wounds intensified, blood flowing out again, staining the rocks already covered in bug fluids.

It’s over, it’s all over. He had only managed to dodge the gunshots earlier by reflex after hearing Conda’s warning to Thomas. If Conda turned his gun on him again, there was no way he could dodge.

Transported to the future to die like this—it was so ironic. He might as well blow up that fragmentation grenade and take everyone down with him! But would Conda even give him the chance?

Just when he thought all hope was lost and he was ready to give his life in one final struggle, there was a strange “squish” sound, and the Zerglings in the base finished hatching.

Tang Fang glanced dejectedly at the two small Zerglings with six claws each, their bodies covered in scales. He sighed. Fate really was a cruel bitch. He hadn’t even figured out how to use this damn StarCraft system, and now he was going to die.


The cursor flashed at this moment, and a voice rang out. “Combat units detected. Would you like them to join the battle?”




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