The Unintentional Path to Immortality Chapter 32

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Chapter 32: Trickster of the Martial Arts World

It was the third day of the twelfth lunar month.

In the early morning light, Lady Calico stood by Song You's bedside, her gaze fixed upon his peaceful face. She remained there in silence for a prolonged moment, unsure whether to disturb his slumber by calling out to him. Yet, she knew she had to rouse him. 

Thus, she opted for a compromise, her voice barely above a whisper, as if she were chanting a delicate incantation. There lingered a palpable fear within her – a fear that he might not stir at all, and yet a conflicting fear that he might indeed awaken. Such was the poignant dilemma she faced.

Her impatience was understandable; after all, they were planning to attend the temple fair today to purchase a horse.

And the words the Daoist used were not "I," but "we."

Who would have thought that such a tiny cat could have a day when it could buy a big horse?

"Daoist, Daoist, Daoist…"

Song You was eventually awakened by her calls.

Opening his eyes, he found the cat's head almost pressing against his face.

"Lady Calico, what are you doing?"

"Huh!" Lady Calico immediately shrunk back, not answering for a moment. It wasn't until she blinked a few times that she said, "Just checking on you."

"I was just asleep."

"Hurry up and get ready. Let's go to the temple fair."

"No rush, no rush."

"Better hurry, or all the horses will be sold out."

"If that’s the case, then it must be fate."

"!!" Lady Calico turned her head and stared at him intently, her expression serious. After a few seconds, she urged, "Get up quickly. Hurry up, hurry up."

With that, she bit the corner of the blanket and dragged it to the side.


Song You had no choice but to get out of bed.

It took him about fifteen minutes to get dressed and freshened up, during which Lady Calico remained closely beside him the entire time, never once averting her gaze, as if she were supervising and urging him onward.

"Lady Calico, are you going out in the form of a cat or a human?"

"What do you think?"

"There will be many people at the fair, and a cat might get stepped on easily. Lady Calico, if you go out in human form, you can accompany me. If you go out as a cat, I'll have to carry you."

"Human form."

"Please go to your room."


Lady Calico dashed back to her room.


"..." Song You sighed in resignation, suspecting she had forgotten where she left her clothes again.

"Find my clothes for me!"

He guessed right.

After some hassle, they finally left the house.

The Temple of Lord Yue was in the eastern part of the city, a bit of a walk away. They decided to take a longer route, grabbing breakfast at a new restaurant along the way. Then, under Lady Calico's insistent urging, they headed towards the eastern part of the city.

Song You felt the weight of half a string of copper coins and two pieces of official silver ingots in his pocket as he carried them with him along the way.

The closer they got to the Temple of Lord Yue, the more crowded it became.

Most of the passersby were heading in the same direction.

In those days, worshiping deities was a big deal, and nothing was more important than festivals, especially when it was the birthday of the local widely worshipped deity, Lord Yue. People from all walks of life, whether officials, commoners, or wealthy ladies usually confined to their homes, all came out to attend the temple fair.

There were also many wanderers from afar.

Song You happened to encounter Governor Yu, who was also going to the fair, but he didn't approach him. Instead, like other commoners, he stopped in his tracks and watched Governor Yu and his entourage walk away.

He overheard people nearby discussing:

"Isn't that Governor Yu?"

"Who else could it be?"

"Doesn't Governor Yu have more attendants? What's going on this year? Last year, he had a procession that stretched half a mile long!"

"Who knows?"

Song You listened with a smile on his face.

After letting Governor Yu's procession pass, he proceeded a few steps forward, and the Temple of Lord Yue came into view.

Outside the temple, the crowd was packed, bustling with activity, and filled with the sound of chatter. The temple's roof was shrouded in light smoke, and sounds of hustle and bustle drifted from that direction. The street became extremely crowded. Every alley centered around the Temple of Lord Yue was filled with vendors selling goods or performing, and the crowds were so dense that it was almost impossible to move.

Even before reaching the temple, they could already hear the cries of the vendors.

"In the world of martial arts, we roam,
Our skills like a river, they flow.
No need for a fee,
Just come watch and see,
The beauty of our art on full show!”

“Across lands rich, my pockets bereft,
Belly's rumble, my hunger's theft.
Ere gold's pursuit, I proffer herbs bright,
Tall and lush, a rare delight.
Ten brave the hunt for herbs so rare,
Yet lone return with greens to share.”

Song You, like other commoners, couldn't help but stop and listen to the witty and humorous cries of the vendors, a smile playing on his lips.

This was what made the festival lively.

"Lady Calico, stay close to me."

"Where can we buy the horse?"

"I don't know, let's look around first."


Two figures, one tall and one short, made their way towards the most crowded area in the crowd.

Along the way, they witnessed a variety of performances.

There were acrobats.

They performed incredible stunts such as juggling plates and bowls, climbing poles, walking on steel wires, passing through hoops of fire, pressing a spearhead against their throat, and even attempting to break free from iron chains without using their hands. These were all skills honed through hard practice.

There was also a monkey performance.

The performer and their monkey cooperated seamlessly. While one taught the monkey various tricks, the other engaged in comical antics. When the trainer wielded a knife, the monkey immediately submitted. However, at the slightest distraction from the trainer, the monkey would skillfully seize the knife back. Even though the performance was clearly rehearsed, it was executed so naturally and humorously that it elicited hearty laughter from the audience.

There was also someone who performed the celestial rope trick.

As the rope was flung skyward, it disappeared instantly into the billowing smoke, unfurling into a straight line. Yet, to the amazement of all, the performer effortlessly began to ascend it. Slowly disappearing into the haze, they seemed to vanish from sight entirely. Then, without warning, the rope plummeted back down before the astonished onlookers. As the smoke cleared, there was no sign of the climber above, only the lingering echoes of gasps of disbelief.

There were fire breathers too.

Initially, they would spit oil and breathe fire, adding to the festivity of the fair. However, the onlookers soon realized it wasn't just for show—the oil in the performer's mouth had long been spat away, but with just a breath in front of a torch, flames would erupt once more. Eventually, they didn't even need a torch; they could breathe fire out of thin air.

At that instant, the crowd realized the true mastery at play, and immediately after, coins scattered across the ground, filling the air with a melodious tinkling.

There were also tricksters.

A mere empty basin could conjure birds, fish, and snakes in the blink of an eye, only to vanish with a wave of the hand. Much like magic tricks in the modern era, this master of illusion also relied on a cloth to obscure, employing either deceptive sleights of hand or swift maneuvers of remarkable finesse.

Song You stopped and lingered at each performance.

At first, Lady Calico was focused on buying the horse, but she gradually became fascinated by these tricks. She obediently stayed by Song You's side, widening her eyes and watching the excitement.

Whenever someone came with a tray asking for money, Song You didn't shy away; he would give a few coins as well.

This was typical of people in the martial arts world.

It wasn't that they were wealthy; it was that they understood the hardships of wandering the world and respected these performers. So, either they looked away, or if they watched, even amidst their own financial struggles, they'd still offer a few coins.

But just as they were about to leave after watching, Song You suddenly felt something was amiss. He reached into his pocket and found that the two pieces of official silver ingots were missing, but the copper coins were still there.


This was interesting.

Song You turned back and looked at the middle-aged man who was still performing magic tricks.

Looking around, he saw people applauding.

Even from the nearby inn, people were throwing money down.

He didn't say anything; he just waited there patiently.

After wandering around for so long, it was already past noon. One by one, the performers of the martial arts world stopped to prepare their meals, and the crowds gradually dispersed.

Only then did Song You approach the trickster of the martial world.

The man was in his thirties or forties, with a sturdy build and a face full of muscles. At the moment, he was eating heartily with a few followers, holding a bowl and eating large chunks of cooked meat.

"Your meal is quite sumptuous." Song You stood in front of him and said with a smile.

The trickster followed the shadow and looked up to see a young man holding a little girl. He couldn't help but pause, wearing a puzzled expression as he asked, "What brings you here, sir? We won't start the show until after we've finished our meal."

"It's nothing major." Song You said politely, his voice not loud, "I just wanted to ask if you saw me drop some silver ingots here while watching your magic trick."


The trickster scratched his head in confusion. "You dropped silver ingots, sir? You should report it to the authorities. With so many people at the fair, there are inevitably thieves mixed in… Sir, do you really think we can perform such miraculous feats and make things disappear out of thin air? Are you trying to frame us?"

As he spoke, he began to get angry.

Originally, he had a strong physique and a rough appearance, looking slightly foolish, but once he raised his eyebrows, he lost all traces of foolishness, leaving only a fierce and intimidating demeanor.

However, Song You remained calm and composed: "In my view, your mastery of the Art of Remote Object Manipulation, while not reaching the level of divine perfection, is nonetheless unparalleled, far surpassing my own skills. Therefore, I have come to seek your guidance."

The trickster expression suddenly changed.

Actually, when he was performing magic tricks, he didn't use any magical arts, just pure skill with his hands. But at this moment, he didn't deny it or explain it. Instead, he glanced at Song You briefly, then respectfully performed a fist-and-palm salute. "May I inquire about your background, sir?"

"I'm Song You, from the Crouching Dragon Temple located on Mount Yin Yang."

"So, you're a Daoist. My apologies for any disrespect, master."

"No need to apologize."

"How much money did you lose, master?"

"Twenty taels of official silver ingots."

The trickster immediately turned around and waved to his men, without openly admitting to stealing the money, nor denying it. Without uttering any words like "since fate has brought us together, let us reimburse you for the lost money and regard it as the beginning of a friendship," he simply had his men retrieve the money.

Two pieces of official silver ingots, not the ones he lost, but the amount matched.

Song You weighed them in his hand and put them away.

It could only be said that people from the martial arts world, whether good or bad, had some principles.

"Thank you."

"Sorry for the offense."

"But I have one more question," Song You asked, "Since you have such abilities, why are you doing this kind of work?"

"You're very funny, master." The middle-aged man smiled, revealing a hint of ease. "The Art of Remote Object Manipulation originated from the tricks of the martial arts world, and it's the only skill we possess. Besides, in this day and age, are there any more lucrative ventures than this? Or does the master believe that posing as a grand master to deceive wealthy individuals is more prestigious and effortless than our current work?"

"..." Song You couldn't help but pondering for a moment before responding: "Valid point."

"We have our rules too." The middle-aged man continued as he picked up his bowl again. "We only take official silver ingots and don't touch copper or silver ingot crumbs. If someone sees through us or suspects something, and manages to find us and confronts us, we return everything."

"I see."

Song You couldn't help but ponder.

In Dayan, ten taels of official silver ingots was considered a large sum. Only taking official silver ingots and not touching copper or silver ingot crumbs was not only convenient to carry but also served to exclude poor families, reflecting a mentality of taking from the rich and giving to the poor.

The latter point also helped to some extent to avoid others reporting them to the authorities.

People in the martial arts world had their own way of doing things.

In this day and age, unlike in the modern era, even commoners had a low level of trust in the authorities. People in the martial arts world had their own ways of dealing with things; reporting incidents to the authorities would lead to ridicule from their peers. Moreover, if a wealthy person realized they had been stolen from by someone standing just a few yards away, they would still refrain from reporting it, fearing retaliation from the martial arts community.

In fact, the risk was already very low.

If they were to carry out crimes in different location, the risk would be even lower.

However, standing in front of him, Song You still asked, "Aren't you afraid of being investigated by the authorities?"

When he heard this, the man narrowed his eyes, paused in his eating, and stared at Song You, "Is this a threat, master?"

"I am just curious." Song You's expression remained as usual. "Since you perform these kinds of tricks, wouldn't you be the first person suspected by experienced constables if something like this happened?"

"Master, you've become trapped by your own knowledge. In the eyes of most people, this is just a deceptive trick. Even if they suspect foul play, how many would think of remote object manipulation? And even if someone does catch on, we would have already left."

"I see, thank you for enlightening me." Song You nodded thoughtfully.

"Does master have any other business then?"

"In that case, I'll take my leave."

"Young Master!"

Song You was about to leave when he was stopped by the man.

It seemed that the man was still worried. He looked at him, then asked, "You won't report us, will you, master?"

Facing his gaze, Song You thought for a moment before nodding.


The man had patiently informed him not to be hindered by what he knew. Although he wasn't a person of the martial arts world, Song You was willing to follow the rules of the martial arts world this time.

This time, he decided not to report them to the authorities. However, even so, the lines between right and wrong should not be blurred.

Head Constable Luo's experience and efficiency in handling cases meant that he was bound to harbor suspicions. When the time came to consult him, he would undoubtedly bring it up. The only question remaining was whether those individuals would be quicker to flee or if Head Constable Luo would be swifter in catching them.




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