Blackstone Code Chapter 123

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Chapter 123: Thousand Thoughts

At night, Mr. Mayor had just finished his social engagements. Slightly tipsy, he sat in his car, gazing at the vibrant cityscape. Contrary to the grand ambitions and lofty aspirations typically depicted in novels, his mind was surprisingly devoid of any grand thoughts.

He simply felt troubled, deeply troubled.

The sky had already turned pitch black, mirroring the current state of the city, engulfed in despair.

Many times, people believed that mayors were better than some state representatives or city council members, at least because they wielded practical power rather than collective power generated through voting.

But only they knew that being a mayor was far from easy, especially in times like these. Even with extraordinary skills, it was difficult to excel.

Some things were beyond human control, much like the declining economy.

Every day he witnessed the rising unemployment rate, the wandering vagrants on the streets unable to find work, the widening gap – all of which left him with a profound sense of powerlessness and exhaustion.

As the car slowly came to a stop, the momentary loss of momentum made him feel slightly nauseous. He patted his cheeks and got out of the car.

Declining the driver's assistance, he returned home and sank onto the sofa, letting out a heavy sigh of relief.

The maid brought him chilled water, which he gulped down to dispel the lingering effects of alcohol. 

"Has Ferrall returned?" He asked casually as he set down the glass.

Ferrall and other aides lived in the same residential compound as the mayor, even next door. At any time, whenever the mayor had a need, they could come immediately to serve the mayor.

The maid nodded, "I saw Mr. Ferrall's car return around seven."

"Ask him to come over. I'll be waiting for him in the study."

After finishing the remaining half glass of water, he felt considerably refreshed and propped himself up before walking wearily into the study.

He sat in his chair, waiting for Ferrall's arrival, pondering over some matters. In a daze, he was somewhat absent-minded until Ferrall stood before him.

"When did you arrive?" He dabbed at the corners of his eyes with a handkerchief, unsure if there were any sleep remnants, wanting to maintain his composure.

Ferrall waited for the mayor to tidy himself up before responding, "I've been here for a while. I saw you resting, so I didn't want to disturb you."

The mayor forced a smile, followed by a heavy sigh. "I met with Neo tonight. His attitude was ambiguous."

Rumors were circulating in Sabin City that Neo, the CEO of Listoan, was actively engaging with conservative party members. In private settings, he affirmed certain policies of the conservative party over the past few years, claiming they put the Baylor Federation ahead of other nations.

In this country, everything could be muddled – gender, loyalty, love, hate – except for political stance.

Neo could tell others that he and the mayor had fallen out, while also asserting his commitment to progressive party principles. That was the issue between him and the mayor.

But now his tone was undergoing some fundamental changes, leaving the mayor to wonder whether he was exerting pressure or truly had other intentions.

Unfortunately, he couldn't probe further; Neo consistently evaded such questions. This preliminary judgment led the mayor to believe Neo was still undecided, hoping both parties would provide him with some inclination-inducing chips.

Those detestable businessmen, detestable capitalists!

Around Listoan, there were tens of thousands of people working directly or indirectly for them. Once Listoan announced its departure from Sabin City and the state, relocating to conservative territory, it would be the mayor's biggest failure during his tenure.

What's worse was that if even a few thousand more unemployed were added suddenly, the entire Sabin City would plunge into hell in an instant.

Moreover, with the recent rumors intentionally spread by Neo, everyone would blame the mayor for driving Neo away, resulting in job losses and upheaval.

Angry citizens could end his political career. Neo was determined to force the mayor to capitulate, but this CEO neglected another issue.

The downfall of EverBright wasn't something Listoan alone could achieve. Many had worked together, including some economic entities similar in size to Listoan. Why would they allow the most lucrative part to be swallowed by Listoan?

Even if the mayor agreed, other mayors, state representatives, even governors wouldn't. It had become a deadlock.

Was everything truly unchangeable?

Not necessarily. Neo surely knew this. His aim was to make the mayor fight for his maximum benefits, but this was impossible. A skilled politician who became a mere pawn of capitalists wasn't truly skilled, and his political career would soon come to an end.

It was a dilemma, one that troubled the mayor greatly.

He didn't expect Ferrall to come up with an immediate solution when he brought up the topic. This wasn't a new development; he just needed to vent, like a person with pent-up emotions. Once it was out, he'd feel relieved.

With the topic shelved, after a brief pause, he shifted to another matter concerning Ferrall. "How was the situation with Lynch today?"

Ferrall's expression changed slightly. He nodded, describing the scene at the time, which already impressed the mayor. While Ferrall recounted, the mayor calculated and asked, "If this becomes a fixed pattern, how many people would Lynch need to hire?"

Clarifying his question to avoid misunderstandings, he added, "I mean, if his business expands throughout the state."

Ferrall furrowed his brows, uncertain, "Today, he hired around forty salespeople, several accountants, along with temporary workers for site arrangement and warehouse staff. In one city, he would provide at least two to three hundred job opportunities."

"Considering all cities in the state...," Ferrall's face showed some surprise, "At least five thousand job positions!"

In a state with millions of inhabitants, discussing five thousand job positions seemed inadequate, but the mayor valued them greatly because he knew Lynch's plans went beyond this.

According to Lynch's statement, the club he founded alone could create numerous job opportunities. As the mayor considered the potential impact of his other ideas, he gradually found himself feeling surprised.

If Lynch's promises were fulfilled, he could provide at least ten thousand job opportunities for the entire state and at least four thousand for Sabin City alone.

While a few hundred job positions might catch the mayor's attention, if the four thousand positions were managed well, they could support four thousand families, directly impacting around fifteen thousand lives and indirectly affecting around ten thousand more.

Just one Lynch could influence the lives of nearly thirty thousand people, when he wasn't even prominent. What if he were given the opportunity to achieve even greater success?

The mayor found himself lost in thought. Currently, within the Progressive Party's ranks, there was a consensus that talk of economic development should be set aside for now, and the focus should shift to addressing the people's livelihood issues first. Failure to address these issues could lead to the sudden collapse of the federal government's seemingly robust finances.

At that time, if the situation of decline couldn't be reversed, there was a possibility of local financial bankruptcy occurring.

As things reached this point, capitalists became even more crucial. Politicians struggled to offer direct job opportunities to the public, but capitalists might have the means to do so.

They didn't need to make everyone rich, only to sustain ordinary people and ensure the system operated smoothly, weathering this period until things improved.

Thinking this, the mayor made a decision.

The meeting with Neo tonight made him realize this man was no longer reliable, nor was Listoan. Even if he compromised, both sides would harbor irreconcilable enmity.

For now, he restrained himself because he needed Neo, but once he had the power to turn the tables, he'd make Neo and Listoan pay.

Could Neo be unaware of this situation?

No, he knew well. Yet, he persisted, indicating their compromise wouldn't last long before another confrontation ensued.

"Arrange for me to meet Lynch. I want to discuss some ideas." With his decision made, the mayor articulated his thoughts. While Lynch might not change the current situation, he could offer alternative solutions.

Lynch's ventures indicated he was an innovative young man. If he could propose methods to tide over these difficult times, the mayor might not only refuse to capitulate but also seize the chance to strike back at Neo.

As someone familiar with Lynch, Ferrall was the ideal intermediary. While the mayor and Lynch had met and dined together, their acquaintance remained superficial. Delving into deeper discussions required a reliable intermediary.

Suddenly, he felt that arranging for Ferrall to contact Lynch seemed like a good choice, offering him another path, another opportunity.

His mood suddenly lightened, and he felt somewhat relaxed as he looked forward to the upcoming meeting.




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