She Is Not a Witch c1

Chapter 1 The Joy of the Newborn

The parade square in Soland, the capital of the Kingdom of Croatia.

Long spears were spreading across the square like the prosperous forest, arranged in huge squares; black steel knights were marching in formations, and countless black flags were fluttering in the air. Those were knights of calamity. They were the symbol of terror and death to their enemy.

"March until the end of the world!"

The solemn and firm voice spread throughout the capital.

On the square was a sea of ​​spears and flags. The warriors armed with sharp weapons that were emitting cold light were lined up in square arrays, stepping at a neat and terrifying pace. There were thousands of them, yet they moved like they were a single entity.

The riders were holding horns and swallow-tailed flags of glory, Croatia, which meant a kingdom blessed by the stars. The flag was based on blue, embroidered with golden stars and wheat ears, symbolizing the kingdom’s origin and vows.

Pullman, as the founder of the kingdom, stood on a tall observatory and inspected the elite of the kingdom. His weather-beaten face already had some wrinkles. Next to him stood a group of founding fathers who were also wearing blue cloaks. Among them were the famous warriors, the experienced generals, the wise mages, and the genius businessman.

Most of them were born humble, but now they were all heroes who had very high status. Under their leadership, this kingdom, this nation finally got rid of hundreds of years of darkness, and ushered in a new life.

The warriors on the square were different from all previous armies. They came from various parts of the kingdom and once belonged to different classes, but now they had a common belief. It was no longer the hypocritical gods, nor the corrupt nobles. They were now fighting for the kingdom, for the people, and for themselves.

And what was the source of all this change, and who gave the new life to this rotten kingdom?

Whenever Pullman thought about this question, he would recall the distant forest in his memory, and the silver-haired girl who told him all the answers more than 20 years ago.


Twenty years ago, in the middle of the Tizilan Mountains.

In the midsummer forest, the sun shone obliquely through the branches and leaves of the dense trees. A silver-haired young girl was lying on the grass, her body undulating slightly as she breathed, as if she was having a good dream.

Unfortunately, this peace was soon broken.

A cyan and yellowed fruit swayed gently in the summer breeze, and then fell from the branch and hit the girl's arm.

The girl with silver hair and in white dress slowly opened her eyes, as if she was still a little confused. She grabbed the plump fruit and looked at it blankly. After a while, the memory slowly flooded in.

"Uh!? No way. So there is really such a thing as transmigration."

As if to determine the current situation, she stood up and observed the surroundings. Then she looked at herself again. There was a stream not far away. She wanted to confirm her current appearance because she obviously felt that her body was completely different.

The water in the creek was not the surface of a static lake. It could only show roughly that the appearance of the girl should be a girl of about 16 years old.

She then tried to pick up a rock by the stream. 

‘A lot weaker than before. Well, it’s the body of a young girl who has not yet grown up, so this is quite normal.’

But as a modern person who had been on the blue planet - Earth for more than 20 years, her current body still gave her an unprecedented lightness.

She looked at the top of the tree that was more than 3 meters high, and with a slight leap, she jumped up to more than 1 meter high, and picked a fruit from the tree, which was incredible. If her body on earth was like a rigid block of cement, now her body was like light cotton.

The girl then tried to run for a while. The roots of the trees in the forest were intertwined, and occasionally there were some sharp stones. If it were ordinary people, they definitely would not be able to run in this kind of terrain, but she felt a completely different sense of ease,

Whether it was tree roots, stones, dead leaves, or fallen branches, their positions were so clear in her mind. Every time she landed, she could easily step on a clean and flat surface, as if she was not running in the forest but on the runway of her former campus. 

Everything was so natural, like breathing. The sounds of the wind flowing in her ears and the shadows under the sun clearly told her everything about the surroundings. Although she was walking in the woods, she felt like she was walking at home.

The girl ran and jumped in the forest with a little excitement, a feeling of joy and freedom echoed in her heart.

She jumped up lightly, landed on the branch of a tree, and then leaped into the air with all her strength. Then she finally came out from the green forest.

The world that appeared in her eyes was endless green mountains, and at her feet was a verdant forest full of vitality. 

The wind from the mountains blew through the woods, and the colorful leaves rustled in the sun.

Although the girl was in mid-air, she was not worried, as if she had an inexplicable intuition that even if she fell directly on the ground, she would be safe and sound, like light cotton flying and falling with the wind.

Sure enough, as her toes stepped on the soft fallen leaves, she could easily jump forward again.

‘Whether it is transmigration or rebirth, since the previous life is gone, then I should live in the present with peace of mind.’

Only then did the girl feel very hungry. Recalling the fruit that had fallen on her arm before, the girl went back again.

After finding the fruit tree, she gently jumped to the top of the tree, picked a few more plump fruits, and then came to the stream.

The water in the stream passed around the fingertips and sent a cool and comfortable feeling. After washing the fruits, the girl picked one of them up and observed it carefully.

The fruit was green with a touch of yellow, and was able to reflect the sunlight under the sun. Gently break it apart, inside was the light red pulp. It tasted sweet and slightly sour.

Somewhat similar to the citrus in the girl’s memory.

‘Mhm, if the tree can have more light, it can remove the light astringency in its fruit, leaving only the delicious sweet and sour taste.’

For some reason, the girl had this kind of intuition. She had never planted fruit trees, and she had never worked in farming, but she had a feeling that told her that this was the case. The growth environment of this fruit tree was not perfect, and there were many rooms for improvement.

‘Is this also some kind of talent?’

The girl finally remembered something and asked with uncertainty "System?"

[System starts to boot, self-checking…]

A mechanical voice came out of her mind.

‘As I expected, the standard configuration of a transmigrator.’

[System check is completed, the interface module and language module have been optimized based on the memory of the host.]

Then, a light blue transparent interface appeared in front of the girl's eyes. Of course, only she could see it. 




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