Endless Silver Weapons V1 C3 P12

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Part 12
In the afternoon, Nia dragged them to clean up the warehouse. They cleaned it all the way until night. After a few people had dinner together before the pub opened, Aker decided to make up his mind.

"Sister Nia, then we are leaving now."

It was his current goal that everyone could live happily.

Although he was still a child who couldn't do anything, as long as he put in the effort, he would definitely become stronger.

When Aker suggested that everyone go out together, Lynn once refused because of her conspicuous hair color. But Aker didn't know what Gurley had said to her quietly, he actually "easily" made her agree with a blushing face.

Then the three girls put on high-end Kimonos carefully prepared by Nia in the room. Aker originally wanted them to change into the clothes they usually wear before going out, but because Nia reminded them that there was a celebration in town tonight, and Kimonos just happened to be the right clothes for this occasion, so they didn't change clothes in the end.

Aker previously heard Gurley say that when girls wore a Kimono, they didn't wear any underwear. But since it came from him, the credibility should be very low... but he just couldn't help himself but think about it... think about it...


Leaving the pub, a refreshing evening breeze blew towards them.

"The wind outside is so comfortable."

Lynn had her long golden hair arranged in an updo hairstyle before leaving the house, and the golden hair strands hanging down near her ears on both sides were moving in the air.

Loulou and Venus didn't tie their long hair, they could only hold down the long hair that was flying in the evening breeze with their hands.

Although there was no obvious expression, Aker could clearly feel that they were clearly relaxed.

——Sure enough, they must have been tired of staying in the room for too long.

Seeing that the three of them were all enthusiastic about going out, Aker felt much relieved.

"But is it really okay to come out like this, Elder brother?"

"It's okay, I will always be by your side."

Aker knew what Loulou was worried about, and now he could only stroked her head to comfort her.

Immediately, the corner of his clothes was pulled by someone. As he turned around, he saw Venus was looking up at him with some kind of expectant eyes.

"What's wrong?"

"I want...that too..." Venus's eyes floated towards Loulou, and she lowered her head embarrassedly and asked in a low voice, "Can't I..."

Aker knew what Venus wanted. He gently put his hand on Venus's long snow-like hair, and stroked her little head. Venus shrank her neck as if enjoying it.

It felt like high-grade silk. Why did girls’ hair feel so comfortable to the touch? Aker was thinking about this question at this time.

Lynn on the side seemed to watch Aker and the two of them indifferently, but when Aker turned his head to look at her, she suddenly looked away.

Actions that were too obvious couldn't cover up one's true feelings at all. It seemed a bit inappropriate not to include her.

"Uh... do you..."

"No need!"

The answer that Aker got was only Lynn's back. Probably she didn't want to enjoy the same treatment Venus received.

When could Lynn let go of loathing in her heart and truly accept Venus?

Aker couldn't find the answer now. Perhaps even Lynn also didn't know it.


The closer they got to the market area, the more lively the atmosphere was, and they could feel the crowded atmosphere before entering the market area.

Different from the day market, the night market was more lively under the catalysis of the festival.

"So many people... clearly, it is just a small town." Lynn's remark seemed to be a little disrespectful, "Hey, why did you hit me?"

"First, sincerely apologize to the residents of this town, and then hold each other's hand so that you don’t get lost." Aker knocked on Lynn's head, and then gave instructions to everyone, "It's very difficult to find people if you get lost here."

Aker and Lynn were no longer at the ages that would get lost without holding hands. But Aker just wanted to find a chance for Lynn and Venus to interact with each other.

Loulou came to Aker's left side and naturally hugged his arm. But neither Venus nor Lynn moved, they just stood still.

"We are going in soon, you have promised me that you will get along with each other!"

"...Hmph, just this time only!"

Lynn grabbed Venus' left hand roughly, while her right hand gently held Aker's hand.

The moment her fingertips touched Aker's, Lynn's whole body seemed to tremble slightly, but Aker didn't notice it.

Lynn glanced at Venus as if she was about to say something, but when she was glared at by Lynn, she gave up in tears.

In fact, Lynn's seemingly rough movements didn't cause any pain to Venus. It was just that this attitude made her sad.

"All right, let's go."


Only Loulou nodded in response to Aker and somewhat eased the awkward atmosphere between the four.

Aker ignored these unnatural places, and walked towards the brightly lit market calmly.

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