Demon King Priest C50

There are now 29 advance chapters available
Chapter 50 Boy and Girls on the Deserted Island (Part 3)

Was it something strange on this deserted island, or was there something wrong with his body. Ulysses tried to figure out which one it was, but he couldn't get an answer.

‘It would be nice if Aya is here at this time, she should know what's going on.’ Ulysses sighed, actually missing Aya a little. Although her pranks always make him flustered, she would definitely help him seriously on such big issues.

‘Forget it! The crisis has passed temporarily anyway. As long as I'm careful, there won't be any major problems!’ Ulysses thought this way. Only until a few days later, did he realize that what he thought now was just wishful thinking and daydreaming.

‘If I go back to see Rasputin and Cherie now, they will definitely be embarrassed, let me take a look at the methods Aya left behind!’ Ulysses thought for a long time, but still didn't dare to go back to the cave. So he decided to find something to pass the time first.

The practice methods left by Aya were five books, one was the high-level light magic book that Ulysses wanted most, and the remaining four were all about the training methods of battle energy.

Among the five books, Ulysses certainly did not hesitate to choose the book that recorded light magic. But the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. Although the light magic spells recorded in that book were all high-level magic that Ulysses dreams of, with his current magic energy, he couldn't use any of them at all. However, Ulysses still spent more than an hour memorizing dozens of light magic spells and usage methods recorded above. Because those were the magic that he had been eager to learn. It was a pity that only those noble mages and priests could learn this level of light magic, and there was no way to buy this kind of magic book on the market.

After reading this light magic book, Ulysses began to study four other books that recorded battle energy training methods. Because the demon sword Judgment of Abyss could no longer be summoned within half a year, he must quickly learn a kind of battle energy. The last few battles made him deeply feel that his strength was still very weak. Without that demon sword, with the power of his poor fourth-level light mage and the third rate fifth-level warrior, he would have died countless times.

The first book recorded a kind of battle energy training method called Incubus Battle Energy. Legend had it that this battle energy was created by a demon king with the title of the Demon King of Lust. The biggest special point of this battle energy was that it did not rely solely on the hard work of the user to improve their strength. To enhance the power of this battle energy, users must find beautiful and powerful virgins of various races for "intimate contact." 

Its advantage was that as long as users could find enough high-quality virgins of various races in a short period of time, then their strength would be increased rapidly. After the user of this kind of battle energy completely mastered this kind of battle energy, the user would have an immortal body, and they would be able to grow extremely combative tentacles freely all over their body... Seeing this, Ulysses could no longer stand it and threw this book directly into Dark Dimension Space.

The second book recorded a battle energy cultivation method called the Hell of Death. This battle energy also came from a demon king, but the name of the demon king was not mentioned in the book. The special point of this kind of battle energy was that its power enhancement was accomplished by continuous killing. As the user kept killing more people, a fog of death that would corrode everything would be produced around the user, and their body would also become a semi-substantial and semi-illusory existence. After this kind of battle energy was completely mastered, the user would have an immortal body and possess special effects that were immune to all physical attacks. However, the disadvantage was that people who practice this kind of battle energy would become half-human and half-ghost... Ulysses also did not hesitate and threw the book back to Dark Dimension Space.

The third book recorded a battle energy training method called Light of Fallen Angel. This battle energy came from Lucifer, who was originally a god of light but turned into a demon king. The characteristic of this battle energy was that as the user kept practicing this kind of battle energy, black wings of light would grow behind the user, and the stronger the user was, the more light wings would appear behind them; in total, the user could have up to twelve wings. However, it was extremely difficult to increase the number of light wings. According to records, except for Lucifer himself, who had twelve wings of light, other people who practiced this kind of battle energy could only reach the state of six wings at best. Ulysses hesitated and put the book aside.

The last book recorded a battle energy that didn't even have a name. The book did not say who created this kind of battle energy. According to the book, this kind of battle energy could only strengthen the user's mental and physical strength, without any special additional power, but the user would have a good defense after practicing this kind of battle energy.

‘Which one should I choose?’ Ulysses hesitated with the last two books. In his opinion, the fourth book should be the most suitable for him, but the third book was just as good.

"Ah!" Just as Ulysses hesitated, a heart-piercing pain suddenly came from his right hand. This kind of pain was no worse than the pain of Judgment of Abyss’s backlash, and the pain made Ulysses roll around on the beach.

At the same time, Ulysses' right hand began to emit a dazzling silver light, and as the pain intensified, the silver light became brighter and brighter.

Suddenly, a "ding!" came from Ulysses's right hand. After the sound that seemed to be a broken crystal sounded, the silver light separated from Ulysses's right hand and floated into the air, and the pain in Ulysses's right hand also disappeared.

The dazzling silver light floating in the air slowly softened, and in that silver light, the figure of a little girl gradually appeared.

This was a cute little girl about eleven or twelve years old. She had silver hair that was longer than her own body, silver pupils that shone like stars in the sky, a childish face that was indescribably delicate, and her petite body was as white as snow.

She was floating in the air surrounded by silver light, her deep and clear silver eyes had no expressions, just like an extremely delicate doll. Her long silver hair covered the important parts of her body, which made Ulysses feel a little disappointed.

‘Wait! Why am I disappointed! The most important thing now is to figure out who she is and why she appeared from my right hand!’ Ulysses shook his head fiercely, throwing the dirty thoughts out of his head.

But just when Ulysses was about to ask the silver-haired girl who suddenly appeared from his right hand, the silver light surrounding the silver-haired girl suddenly disappeared without a trace, and the girl fell from the air.

"Ah!" Ulysses was shocked when he saw this scene, and rushed forward to catch the silver-haired girl. The girl's body in his arms was unimaginably soft, and at the same time, it exuded a fresh fragrance like a lily.

"Hmm!" After being caught by Ulysses, the girl's eyes were slowly focused. She looked around, and finally, put her gaze on Ulysses's face that hugged her, and said one word that made Ulysses petrified, "Daddy!"




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