Power and Empire Prologue

In the dark castle hall, the fire of rosin grease on the walls was crackling. A middle-aged nobleman dressed in gorgeous noble's attire was reading the parchment paper in his hands with a displeased expression. His squeaky voice reverberating in the hall would easily make people think of a special group of people.

"The descendants of the great divine king, the guardian of all the people of the world, the incomparable lord of Kingdom of Vaegirs, and the noble and glorious King Geta the Third, appointed Stan Dwayne as the successor of the Falcon Marquis and assisted in the management of the royal family to manage the affairs of the Ribach region."

"Who is this stupid eunuch?" Du Yu wanted to stand up, but found out that his body couldn't move. He could only stick up his buttocks very shamelessly, and lay stretched out on the ground with his face downwards. His mind was completely blank. He could only remember that a heavy oil tank truck ran over him. After feeling a sharp pain, he floated into the air suddenly looking helplessly at his body in the burning fire of the oil tank truck. 

Shouting with a wide open mouth but there was no sound coming out, his body floating helplessly in the wind, that kind of weird and terrifying sight would wake Du Yu in dreams. Until a dazzling white halo over his head, he was inexplicably sent to this strange world.

"Transmigrated?" Du Yu never believed in the reincarnation of human beings, but now he had to believe it. However, his reincarnation process seemed to be different, and his floating soul had actually descended directly to a little country marquis named Stan Dwayne with the white light.

Died in the other world, but rebirthed in another world.

"This should be a transmigration, right?" The schizophrenic feeling made Du Yu feel very strange, he was slightly shaken by this feeling. 
'Do all the souls go to another world after death?'

This reminded Du Yu the story of Zhuang Zhou's Dream of Butterfly he had read before. Was this butterfly in his dream or was he in this butterfly’s dream? 
Maybe more than twenty years of his previous life was just a dream of the little marquis Stan Dwayne. Maybe two thousand years, Zhuang Zhou also encountered the same thing as him.

The death of life may only be the beginning of a new world, and no one knew what the world would be like after death. According to many novel authors, when enough karma and will reached a certain level, illusory things would also become reality. Maybe there was one more path to the six paths of reincarnation.

"Maybe what I went through was the path of transmigration?" Du Yu shook his head reluctantly. Then he heard the old butler urge him, "Master, please hurry up and take the edict of appointment. This is very impolite."

The whisper of the old butler made Du Yu, who was distracted, dazed. He stood up staggeringly, and took the appointment edict from the king's special envoy who had already turned livid.

The old butler by his side hurriedly handed over a small bulging bag to the kingdom's special envoy, and said in an apologetic tone. "Envoy Catulino, I'm so sorry. You also know the condition of my young master. Please don’t keep his rude behavior in mind."

"I won’t. Duke Kerry Dwayne has already told me about him in the capital." The king's special envoy slightly weighed the weight of the bad. Hearing rustling metal sound inside, his cold expression softened slightly. He looked at Du Yu, who was still holding the appointment edict beside him in a daze, and shook his head regretfully. "It's a pity that the famous Kingdom Falcon house has also fallen." 

The old butler respectfully sent away the king's envoy. When he returned, his figure appeared to be even more frail and lonely. Looking at Du Yu who was in a daze, the old butler who had accompanied the two generations of the family couldn’t help but shake his head helplessly and sighed, "Handing over the family to an idiot, I really don't know what the old master was thinking." 

At night, Du Yu was lying on the bed. His eyes widened and his mind filled with chaotic thoughts. The endless confusion made it hard for him to fall asleep. Du Yu’s mind was full of memories of this little marquis Stan Dwayne. This continent was called Calradia, on which there were more than a dozen kingdoms of different sizes. The person whose body was possessed by him was called Stan Dwayne, and he was a dimwitted person from a very early age.

However, he had a very powerful maternal grandfather who served as the minister of military affairs in the royal capital, and it seemed that his family also had a resounding name "Falcon of the Kingdom". In the normal course of events, this idiot called Stan Dwayne should’ve been sent to the royal capital to take up an easy job after becoming an adult, and the family’s inheritance rights would’ve fallen to his cousin, a ten-year-old with a reputation for keen perception from a very early age.

But a sudden accident changed everything. Half a month ago, the old marquis who went to the snowy mountain for autumn hunting encountered an avalanche. There were only a few people left in the hundreds of guards. When the old marquis was dug out from the snow, it was already too late.

In the end, he was cremated locally without leaving a will. This unexpected incident disrupted the original arrangement. Although Stan Dwayne was an idiot, he was indeed the only child of the old Marquis. According to the kingdom’s inheritance system, he who was clearly a dim-witted kid successfully inherited the Falcon Marquis’ title. This caused the dissatisfaction of several sides of the family. They had announced their separation from the main family a few days ago and officially became the new nobles.

Khudan in the east, Ligaze in the west had announced their separation from the Falcon House, and the lords of the fiefs around the Falcon House such as Sitaly and Storen were maintaining a wait and see attitude.

The originally relatively large Falcon House’s territory was torn apart, leaving only the more fertile Getaria area to Stan Dwayne.




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  1. I've actually read all the raws with MTL and eagerly been awaiting someone to possibly translate this.

    I won't say i'm able to help with the actual translation, but I had to use two different raw sites to MTL it for myself , because one just skipped chapters every so often (longer streaks a few times), but leaving the numbers as is, meaning it was easy to spot the gaps, whereas another didn't skip chapters per se, but they changed the numbering for some reason. I can't know where you get your raws from, or if it's actually something that could be relevant, but it could be something that you'll need to keep in mind sometime in the future.

  2. Vaegir and Calradia, haha is this Mount and Blade ?
