I have a 'harmony' halo
Arc 4 Chapter 8

Translated by Rau

Mo Fan was dumbfounded. Mo Wei still looks the sae as when he left, maybe the other hasn't even moved from his position at all.

The system explained,"FanFan, after you left, the protagonist has been sitting there, not eaten for past three days."

[I thought you couldn't detect the protagonist's actions?]

A trace of guilt and worry flashed on Mo Fan's face, but his heart was calm. The only thing to worry about is if the protagonist dies, he won't be able to get a good deal.

The system was shocked to realize that he had leaked some info and stammer as he explained, "FanFan, My ability will also improve."

Mo Fan narrowed his eyes, but didn't questioned again. Although the system is stupid, but it will inexplicably adhere to somethign and will not answer.

The system also sighed in relief, quietly.

"What? Are you going to starve yourself to death and make me a murderer?"

Mo Fan concealed his worries. The shock and worry in hie heart came to his lips but finally turning into a different story.

Mo Wei did not drink water for the past few days, his throat was dry and hoarse and he couldn't speak but he shook his head.

It's not that. It is just that the thought of not seeing dad makes him not wanting to do anything.

"Oh, Even if you die, at most, I'll be charged for causing injury. It has nothing to do with me not going to the hospital when you're injured. Look at you now, would you not be able to live without me? You're really useless. Sure enough, you don't look like me."

Dad. It's not that i am unable to live, but without you i don't want to live.

Mo Wei's eyes were filled with mourned and pleaded.

Mo Fan turned his head and threw the food he was holding to the ground,"I don't want a dead person in my house."

Seeing the surprise look on Mo Wei's face, Mo Fan felt uncomfortable and blurted out, "Do you want to eat? Kneel and eat it then. No hands are allowed. I am really blind. Raising a dog is more useful than you. Not throwing you out is already really kind of me."

Mo Wei was stunned, the expression on his face paused but he did not reveal any 
negative emotions similar to humiliation and unwillingness. His eyes were deep 
and unreadable.

Mo Fan didn't look at him, so he didn't notice Mo Wei's odd behaviour. He listened to the movement and thought it was a silent rejection from him. However, not long after, the sound of swallowing could be heard. Mo Fan turned his head and saw that Mo Wei was really sitting on the ground with his hand behind his back, his eyes down, eating the steaming food one bite at a time. After eating, he looked at Mo Fan with a look similar to wanting to be praised.

Mo Fan was shocked when he realised that Mo Wei was eating all the food that had spilled on the ground.

As long as dad is happy, he will do anything. As long as dad don't leave me.

"Don't looked at me like that." Mo Fan scolded.

Mo Wei's eyes were full of admiration and joy, just like every time he prepared a meal for him in the past. However, what he did and said was an insult to the other.
Unable to bear the weird atmosphere in the room anymore, Mo Fan took out his wallet, pulled out the cash inside and scatterd it all over the floor.

"Don't die in my house."

After he spoke, he turned and left without hesitation. Mo Wei's appearance was too wretched and he was afraid he couldn't control himself to forgive him.

But the child wasn't wrong, right? It was the woman, Xu Weiya that was wrong....no, this is the child of that woman, his existence is a mistake!

The red notes all over the floor seemed to be silently ridiculing him but Mo Wei laughed,his handsome face faintly enchanted.

Dad cared about him. Dad gave him money. Dad did not drive him away and let him live in the house. It's okay, dad. He's just too angry now, and would definitely forgive him later. It's all that woman fault. As long as that woman apologizes to dad 
and punish the woman, dad will definitely forgive him.


The protagonist's performance was in line with the plot, but the system always felt that the protagonist was slightly strange. Although it is correct to say that the protagonist has a grudge against his father for the tortured he inflicted on himself, the system felt that the protagonist is thinking differently from the original.

Thinking about this issue, the system didn't say anything along the way. Whether it's Mo Fan's performance or the data displayed by the protagonist, they clearly tell that the plot is on the right track.

In the plot, the protagonist encountered Mo Fan's drunk abuse several times, but he did not lose his respect and love for his guardian. Knowing that the two were not related by blood could not stop his love for his dad. It wasn't until the protagonist liked the heroine, and Mo Fan did something to implicate the heroine, causing the heroine to almost had an accident. Then he received gratitude and decided to teach his 'dad' a lesson.


He said he would raise his dad in the future an he could not go back on his words.
The next day, Mo Wei regained his spirit, clean the house and went to school, but he was entirely gloomy. Compared to the former, he was even darker.

The injury on Mo Wei's face was pronounced. In the office, the teacher asked for the reason behind missing so many days of class. Mo Wei only shook his head and did not speak. When asked if something happens at home, he looked at him with dark eyes, and finally, the teacher let Mo Wei returned to class without any more question.

The money Mo Fan left for Mo Wei was neatly collected and put away. Mo Wei doesn't want to lose something that contained his dad's scent. He wanted to keep t all for himself.

Without the money, Mo Wei was penniless and started to look for some work he could do after school. Once again, Mo Wei was kicked out of a restaurant by the owner. Mo Wei left for the next one with a blank expression.

"Eh, kid, wait. Are you the Mo Wei kid?"

An old voice called Mo Wei's name from behind and Mo Wei stopped.

"My child, are you looking for a temporary job?"

When the old grandmother saw that, Mo Wei was driven out. She thought that although Mo Wei did not show up often, he was indeed a good boy at school, so she went to call the other.

The old grandmother lived next door to Mo Fan's house. The old grandma was a light sleeper, so she woke up as soon as the next door's voice appeared. Seeing that the house owner had not returned to the house the next day and the child in the house had not appeared. The old grandma was a little worried.

When a person gets old, their hearts get easily soften. When she saw Mo Wei outside, he seemed to be looking for work and offered to let him help in her son's shop.

Although the grandma was confused, she knows that there are thing better left unquestioned. Seeing that Mo Fan hadn't been home for so many days, Mo Fan's reputation outside turns bad, and he was called a 'gangster'. 'A disaster'. She immediately recalled when she saw Mo Wei, a junior high school student, came out searching for work.

Mo Wei's face become less cold when she introduced him to a job and followed the old grandma.

It seems that except for the loss of Mo Fan and needing to work to support himself after school, Mo Wei's life has once again returned to a wave- free state.
Mo Wei, who received his first salary, left a portion of money to eat and invested the remaining of it all in the stock market.

Mo Wei is smart and not just in his studies. After discovering that he was short of money, Mo Wei studied some ways to make money and set his sights on the stock market.

He was a minor while the old grandma didn't understand anything about finance news, so Mo Wei told a small lie and opened an account with the old grandma's ID card.

An adult's ID card is required to open an account but not a bank card. The new bank card was bound to the account and Mo Wei began his journey to earn money.
Mo Wei did a lot of work. From serving meals, washing dishes to helping wherever there was a shortage of people.

The old grandma's son's restaurant was not short of workers. Mo Fan was only thirteen years old. It is a complete child labourer. They just ask him to help with some easy work. The wage was not high, but Mo Wei does not mind at all. At his age, some legal conscious people do not dare to hire him.

Strictly speaking, the old grandma's son did not regard it as an employment relation. Mo Wei was more like a relative who came to helps at the restaurant as a joke.

Mo Wei thanked the old grandma for his help. He didn't like to owe favours to people for nothing. Even if he didn't have anything worthy of the other side, he already had an idea in his heart.

He didn't invest much money in the stock market, but with an unusual numerical sensitivity as well as talent, he has now doubled his income several times. It is precisely because of the lack of funds that the stock markets' predators have not discovered the emerging power in the finance circle. In the future, they will usher in a huge storm in the stock market.

It seems that it only takes a few months to go from the school male god to a lonely and gloomy teenager. Apart from studying and working, other details of life were directly ignored by Mo Wei. Except for basic cleaning work, he hasn't bought new clothes or cut his hair for a long time. Even though he has deep facial features, it was lost under the thick bang covering half of his face.

The male god become a loser.

The girls in the class were unaware that their favourite male god had disappeared and was replaced by a rugged looking teenager who looked a bit sloppy.

At first, there were still girls who remembered Mo Wei's original appearance, but time always wears down people's memories and soon, the image of Mo Wei in their minds was replaced by a tragic figure.

The restaurant's location is located on the outskirts of the city, some distance from the residential area. Mo Wei was bold enough to ride the bicycle back in the dark every day. At first, the old grandma was worried and often persuade Mo Wei to come back home with her son. But the old grandma's son was busy and often lived in the store, and he doesn't go home often. Obviously, he will not change for Mo Wei, and Mo Wei repeatedly refused on the ground that he needed to take the bicycle home. The old grandma no longer mentions it after multiple times.

  That night, Mo Wei rode his bike home as he had every night before. However, today was a little different. Passing by an alley, Mo Wei heard the muffled sound of fists and feet, as if someone was fighting. Mo Wei looked unchanged. However, when he heard a certain familiar voice at the alley entrance, Mo Wei's face changed, and he immediately slammed on the brakes, the bike stopped abruptly.

    It was dad's voice ……


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