I really didn't want to become a system c7

 Chapter 7: Eye of God

As the sun set, the members of the hunting team, carrying a wild boar on their shoulders and rabbits in their hands, walked through the dense forest. When they returned to the tribe, they found that the elderly and the children were beaming around the river; there were dozens of river fishes arranged neatly near their feet. 

Although on average everyone only caught three fishes, they all thought that it was because they were not proficient. When they became proficient, they would definitely be able to do exactly the same as Chen Chao!

Chen Chao was speechless. Five old people, eight children, but they were only able to catch forty fishes a day.

But the hunting team didn't think it was strange. Instead, they all looked very happy. After all, they had eaten this stuff yesterday!

It was meat!

It smelled good!

And tasted good!

The leader was also very happy. After careful calculation, there were a few rabbits today, and the wild boar was not small either. Later, women would also bring back wild fruits. Today, at least half of the wild boar could be saved.

After the hunting team put down the prey, most of them spread out to gather woods. While the women haven't yet returned, it was their job to handle the prey.

Chen Chao sat down, picked up the vines he brought back, and began to make baskets. He selected ten two-finger-thick vines, laid five horizontally and five vertically, and crossed them in order, leaving a little gap open.

Then he erected the corners and cross-fixed them with a vine to form a circular vine basket. And lastly, he just needed to tie the last vine, then the work of weaving a basket was completed.

Chen Chao took the newly made vine basket and put it in the water. The people who were busy looked at him curiously. Even the people who were handling the innards of the wild boar by the river stopped what they were doing and looked at him. They wanted to know what this new tribe member wanted to do.

After waiting for a while, Chen Chao felt that a school of fish should have almost entered the basket. After all, the hunting team members were cleaning the boar's innards and the smell of blood had attracted a lot of fish.

He stepped into the water, bent down, and lifted the vine basket suddenly. The water leaked out from gaps. The children and old people standing on the shore could still see the fresh fish twisting in the vine basket.

There was also a large arm-sized fish. It was almost twice as big as the largest fish they had caught today.

Moreover, how long did it take him to catch the fish? 

It was less than the time it took to eat one!

So the people who had been spearfishing for a whole day were completely dumbfounded. They all had this expression (⊙_⊙)!

Chen Chao ignored their reactions. After he brought the vine basket ashore, he poured out all the fish; it was more than twenty of them!

As soon as the fruit gathering team came back, they all saw Chen Chao pouring fish on the ground one basket after another and only stopped after doing it three times.

In addition to (⊙_⊙), they were also envious of the vine basket in Chen Chao's hand. From time to time they looked down at the small bags of animal skins in their hands, and looked at the vine basket in Chen Chao's hands (′ ▽`) (I want it! Really want it! It is so useful!)

Thus, Chen Chao was surrounded by a group of people...

Even the Leader Yuan was also curious about the things Chen Chao had just made. The women in the tribe turned the basket over and over again to examine it, and they also carried it around to test the weight.

Chen Chao had no choice but to sit down, pick up the vines on the ground, and make another basket. Fortunately, there was enough material to build one more, but this time two more straps were added so that the fruit gathering team could free their hands and collect and carry more wild fruits.

The women watched Chen Chao's dexterous hands intently, and watched a brand new vine basket appear in front of them. After Chen Chao finished making the basket, he knelt down and carried it on his back, and walked in front of everyone a few times.

Everyone immediately understood how this thing was going to be used, and couldn't help but marvel at how this new wild man had so many weird ideas.

"Vine, basket, basket." Chen Chao pronounced every word.

Then he handed the basket to one of the older women. The woman also pronounced like Chen Chao, "Vine...basket...basket."

Chen Chao smiled and nodded. The woman seemed to be inspired and repeated it several times before she carried the vine basket on her back like Chen Chao.

Then all the women took turns to try the effect of the vine baskets, and they were very satisfied with this green thing from the bottom of their hearts. Although when carrying, it could scratch their shoulders, they didn't mind it at all. But then Chen Chao thought of a new idea. There were animal skins in the tribe that were too tattered to be reused, he could use those animal skins to make the shoulder straps.

Tonight, everyone got four grilled fish and one wild fruit on average. The rabbits were not killed. They were kept temporarily, and the wild boar was not eaten. They were dried.

Everyone has eaten their fill. For them, there were not many opportunities to satisfy their stomach like this.

For a moment, hiccups were heard all over the shore.

Chen Chao smacked his lips. Without salt, it really had no taste... No matter how fresh it was, he would get tired of it.

He gestured and asked Yuan, 'How do you usually get salt?'

Yuan didn't understand what he was talking about at first, but then Wu realized what he was saying. He pointed at the boar, and then towards the neck of the boar.

Chen Chao understood. It turns out that they drank the blood of wild animals to replenish their salt.

But, Wu again raised his finger and pointed to the distance, pointed at his feet, stretched out his hands, and then licked the back of his hand.

Worried that he did not express clearly, Wu said two more words, "Far, man."

Chen Chao thought for a while and asked tentatively, "Tribe, far away, exchange salt?"

Wu nodded, this kind of salty thing should be the salt Chen Chao was talking about.

'It seems that we won't be able to get salt any time soon,' Chen Chao sighed, but this kind of thing was very necessary.

Without it, the people in the tribe would easily lose energy when they work and hunt.

At this time, he heard a familiar electronic sound,

 [Partial the human training program progress: 3%; begin to learn to use and manufacture tools; randomly trigger Wudang Mountain Tree Tribe's recovery.]

[Binding host progress: +10; randomly trigger Eye of God: within 10 miles, please select equip target.]

Chen Chao was excited, Eye of God!

This name!

It sounds awesome!

He quickly issued a command in his consciousness, and the Eye of God was loaded onto the body of No. 1 NPC.

[Valid instruction.]

 A flat and kind electronic sound came from consciousness.

Chen Chao closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, he saw fish swimming in the river, squirrels crawling over the treetops, drops of water falling from the trembling leaves, rabbits under the slabs struggling to break free, and even wild boar feeding outside.

"Holy shit!" Chen Chao could not help but exclaim.

Not only was he able to get a full view, but he could zoom in and out at will?!

He could see any place without moving!

This was clearly an OP cheat!

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