Translation Questions 如何翻译 白切黑

 “白切黑” 的英语

白切黑 - 指一个人物或角色,看起来很可爱纯良无害,然而其实是腹黑大佬,下手绝不含糊,果断狠辣的吓人。

英语 Someone With An Angelic Face But A Fiendish Heart


Ghosts of Translations Past: 给的翻译
"I've been a schemer all my life.  I didn't expect that in the end, I would fall to the hands of someone with an angelic face but a fiendish heart."

“白切黑” 和 “绿茶婊” 的翻译区别
Ghosts of Translations Past: 给的解释

A 'green tea bitch' (“绿茶婊”) is the person who looks pure but is adept at toying with emotions and is good at always making herself look like the sympathetic victim.  A '白切黑' is similar in that they look gentle and soft, but then all of a sudden they'll openly rip your fucking throat out.

To put it another way - a green tea bitch is two-faced, but in a way which is deceptive and always makes her look blameless and a victim.  A 白切黑 isn't really two-faced, she just looks innocent but acts murderously.  It's not her fault she looks so angelic.

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